Chapter Twenty Two: Dagger of Revenge

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- Black magic is the most dangerous of all magic and yet it's the most powerful kind

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- Black magic is the most dangerous of all magic and yet it's the most powerful kind.

- Black magic is the most dangerous of all magic and yet it's the most powerful kind

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Tom finished his duel in 30 seconds.

Yeah you heard me right thirty freaking seconds.

The poor child only had time to bow before he was thrown into the air, spinning in drastic circles until he vomited and landed extremely hard on the ground.

He'd broken both legs and an arm.

Tom hadn't even moved.

I didn't know whether to applaud him or slap him relentlessly for putting that poor boy in the hospital wing.

Tom strides back inside, ignoring the screaming applause and girls that had crowded around him, fawning over him like he was a god.

I glare.

"You have three seconds to move or I'm causing a slaughter."

His eyes flutter upwards to meet mine, a slow smirk extending on a face so handsome it should've been illegal.

Black curls gently line the outline of his face and he flicks them out of his eyes slightly.

"Do you want me to kill some bitches?" Jim asks, cracking her knuckles.

"I can kill them on my own thankyouverymuch."

"At least let me help. I'm bored."

"We were almost killed like ten minutes ago." I say dryly.

"Exactly!" She demands. "Ten minutes is too long."

"Jealous?" Tom's voice muses.

"If you want to find out about Hell come here. If you don't stay with those girls." My eyes narrow considerably, leaving the threat in the air.

He looks highly amused as he strides over, dodging girls like it was a game of whack a mole.

He stops in front of me and I give him an are you kidding me look.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now