Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Diggorys' Sacrifice

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- Behind her laugh, she's falling apart

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- Behind her laugh, she's falling apart.

"I'm a what?" Cedric asks Photia, looking baffled

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"I'm a what?" Cedric asks Photia, looking baffled.

I did not blame him one bit. That was me months back.

"A Hell bearer." She replies. "That's why you can remember Valentine when no one else in your timeline can. You're both Hellbearers." She smiles at him.

"You're on fire."

"Thank you for that Cedric; I'm aware."

"I don't understand? So I'm not going to Hell?" He asks, voice quiet.

"Cedric my darling. You died before you hit eighteen." She gives him a sad look filled with sorrow. "You are yet but a child. Heaven is where you should be if you choose to not accept the responsibilities of a Hellbearer." Photia announces.

Cedric pauses and then looks at me.

"I remember you." He realizes suddenly.

"You're Ettie and Harry's aunt. I only remember you until my fifth year only." He muses.

"That's when I was sent back in time." I say softly. "We are in the year 1942."

He blinks, and seems to pale much more with the impact of my words.

"You went back in time?" He squeaks slightly.

I nod at him. "I've been living here for the past two years. I'm trying to stop what happens in the future."

"The return of He who must not be named?"

I give him an annoyed look. "Yes. Voldemort. I'm trying to stop him from coming into power."

"Really?" He demands. "Because that means I won't die!!" He seemed eager and my heart clenches in my chest.

Yet another person who depended on me.

Yet another person who needed my help.

Someone else needed to lean on me.

But when would the number of people leaning on me be too much? When would they suffocate me?

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now