Chapter Seventeen: Dumstrang Academy

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- Those with great power are often engulfed in darkness

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- Those with great power are often engulfed in darkness.

Durmstrang Institute was one of the three largest wizarding schools in Europe other than Hogwarts and Beauxbatons

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Durmstrang Institute was one of the three largest wizarding schools in Europe other than Hogwarts and Beauxbatons.

Whereas Beauxbatons was known for its grace and poise, Durmstrang was known for its emphasis on power and dark magic.

Durmstrang, like Hogwarts, was a castle. It wasn't as big though.

The castle was four stories tall and had heavy clouds circling it like a protective barrier.

It was invisible at first. The thestrals carrying hundreds of carriages into the sky and barreling towards the invisible clouds only revealed the castle when those of wizarding blood broke through the protective barriers.

It had very extensive grounds. It extended for miles upon miles. And the school was surrounded by beautiful, breathtaking lakes and mountains.

I understood now what the books meant by saying that Durmstrang was unplottable on any maps.

The coaches slam to the ground and the first years I was watching over screech.

The carriage rolls to a stop and the snowy environment instantly causes chills to stoop over the entirety of my body.

I was in a sleeveless top and sweatpants that were so comfy, I would marry them.

I was also wearing cute little booties on my feet with a single bag being carried in my arms.

"You guys ready?" I ask my kids and the Hufflepuff first years nod eagerly.

"Now you remember to close your minds okay? You never know who might be listening in on your thoughts." I say with a kind smile.

"Can you check for us." A girl grabs my hand, blue eyes pleading.

"Yes of course Ariel." I grin and then scan them.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now