Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sound Asleep

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- The lioness and her lion

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- The lioness and her lion

- The lioness and her lion

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Third Pov:

The doors of the Great Hall had opened for them, seeing as Professor Binns had heard his two favourite students start yelling profanities at the muggle who'd tried to murder them moments prior.

"Come in! Come in. My darlings! You look exhausted." He'd felt terrible. That child Valentine had looked seconds from falling.

Tom had luged the two of them inside and they sit in the corner, watching everyone.

Most of first years were asleep and snoring to the sides. The Hogwarts students and Beauxbatons students were all coming together to make sure everyone was comfortable and at ease.

It was a beautiful sight to behold, at least in Valentine's perspective.

Tom couldn't have cared less.

Tom's gaze watches in a sort of bemusement as Valentine's blue eyes start to droop. She was sitting directly beside him looking ready to crash and burn any second now.

Her head sags forward and Tom realized she'd fallen asleep. He watches utterly enthralled as her head slowly slides sideways and ends up in his lap.

His eyes widen slightly and he lets out a quiet huff of laughter.

"Even in her sleep." He murmurs and gently runs his fingers through her hair.

He was aware of the looks they were receiving.

My what a sight they must've been. They were both soaked with blood to the bone, looking like complete and utter serial killers. But they oozed power, especially the young lady lying in his lap.

They were two lions resting at the side of a massacre.

And his lioness was currently resting.

"Are you two back together again?" Nott drawls, moving to lean on the wall Tom was sitting against.

"None of your business Theodore."

"Can we at least talk to her again?" Lestrange asks, plopping down in front of Tom, eyes pleading.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now