Chapter Fourty-Nine: Slap in the Face

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Never surrendering, always committing

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Never surrendering, always committing. My soul was in your hands and you sold it away.
It's not my fault that I was able to trick you into selling me your own soul.
You ask me what I'll do with it?
I'm going to burn it.
I'm going to crumble it to pieces with an infernal blaze.
That's what I tell you....
And yet in secret I keep your soul safe.
- Sara Younes

I wake up and  my first thought was that bitch

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I wake up and my first thought was that bitch.

"Wait so now that I want to beat his freaking face in.... you can't send me back to Hell?" I snap at Cedric who'd returned me back to the club.

"When can I learn the teleportation thing!?" I add.

Cedric shrugs. "Photia has to give you that ability and Lucifer literally screeched at us to get you out of there before you woke up and sent more Jin back to throne room." My friend looked amused.

"Thank you for the idea." I grin wickedly, touching my forehead slightly.

It was wet with blood, but there wasn't a single scratch.

"Here." Cedric murmurs and used his sleeve to wipe the blood away. His eyes were worried and he steps back, moving to hug me again.

"I'm always here little Cupid." He grumbles, seeming angry at what had just happened.

"Awww you haven't called me that in so long." I tease him, but inside my insides were shrivelling in an anger so intense, I had to literally bite down on my tongue to keep from lashing out at someone.

They weren't my feelings.

I was sensing was Tom was feeling at that moment.

And to say that he was pissed was an understatement.

I wince slightly and rub at my chest.

"Photia doesn't know what's happening to you. She's trying to research what's going on with your-" Cedric waves at my heart.

"Oh. Yeah well, tell her to hurry it up. The pain isn't getting any better." I grumble.

"I will." He smiles and then gives me a final wave and disappears into the night.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now