Chapter Fourty-One: Toothpicks

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- She made my world burst into colour

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- She made my world burst into colour.

I scream, racing back into the great hall literally seconds later

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I scream, racing back into the great hall literally seconds later.

"EVEREST!!!" I shout, trying to keep my chocolate strawberries from falling.

"What?" Everest demands. "I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO BE DRAMATIC?!"

"WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" I scream and then race back outside, flipping my sword into my hand, seeing the understanding on his face.

My sword smashes against another Jin who was carrying a sword the size of my body.

"WHAT ARE THESE THINGS?!" I yell shoving the thing back and staggering.

"Level E Jin." Everest breathes and shuts the doors with a wave of his hand.

"Amazing." I snarl, touching my sword to my hand.

We charge at the same time, slashing and jabbing at the three humongous Jin who seemed to be getting bigger with every attack forced upon them.

I roll away, with a yelp. "Reducto." I cast the spell at the statue above the Jin and it drops on its head, giving me enough time to decapitate its head clean off its body.

I stumble back when I see what starts to happen though.

"Everest! EVEREST!!!" I shriek and rave up behind him hauling him back to my side. There was now a mini army of giant Jin who looked like they wanted to use us as toothpicks.

I pale, feeling my stomach lurch.

Everest throws both of us back inside the Great Hall, and I cast an angelic protection barrier around the grounds.

"What's going on?" Daniel asks me staring at my terrified expression in fear.

I hold up a finger trying to I catch my breath. "N-No-" The doors smack forward once. "-THING!" I finish screaming out in shock.

"Get Photia here!!! Call her on your magic phone thing!!"

"THERE IS NO PHONE THING!!" Everest yells.

 𝐀 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 ║Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now