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**Ollies Point Of View**

I had made my promise to Noah, I had promised to get back for tea. I didn't''t want to go back, I enjoyed being a free man for a bit, sometimes it became so depressing being in a hostel 24/7 without being allowed to bring people round. Noah and I were lucky, we were the eldest in the entire place so our rooms are in the adult halls, then Joel came along and got put in the children part, it was hilarious and I think thats why he has taken such a dislike to me and Noah.

"Penny for your thoughts Ollie?" Toby says giving me a little nudge

"I'm going back" I reply "I appreciate the hospitality you gave me Toby, maybe we could do it again some time but for now, I need to go back to the hostel. I hope you don't mind"

"All good things come to an end Ollie" He quotes "I shall look forward to seeing you soon"

We end the climb here, we all needed to get the bus home and I had to be back before 7:30pm. I'm going to miss spending time with Toby, he was nice and I actually think I have a crush on him... We make our way to the bus stop and wait for the buses to arrive, its a cold wait and a long one.

"Well, this has been a long weekend worth while" Taylor says

"I Agree, it was nice hanging out with you Ollie" Charlie says

"It was, wasn't it" I say sarcastically "It sucks that Noah Missed it"

"There's always next weekend" Toby States

"Yeah, if the weather holds up" I reply

"Taylor, you've never gotten a bus before over here have you?" I say

"Never" she replies

"Have you got a pound?" Charlie asks

"Yeah" Taylor replies after digging around in her pockets.

"Then cool, you just have to hand the driver a quid and get on the bus." Toby says

"There's our bus now" I say as we all pile on, I give the pound to the driver and sit at the back of the bus. It was cold and I was homesick, I missed Noah and his company. I was almost home, just a few more hours until I could home.

**Noah's Point Of View**

Its 6:30, Ollie should be home by now! Where was he, Adam was going to have a fit if he didn't turn up. Come on Ollie, Hurry up!

"He still isnt here" Adam says walking into my room

"Adam I know... he will be here sooon" I say whilst pacing.

"He said he'd be here by now, where the hell is he?" Adam says getting angry.

"Adam!" I shout, he stops chewing his finger skin and looks at me "Chill the Hell Down"

"I am chill" He shouts before sitting in my desk chair

"Adam? I heard shouting?" Dan says running in

"Its fine Dan." He sighs

"Any sign of Ollie yet?" he asks

"no, nothing" Adam replies as Dan walks off

"You told him? You fucking told him?" I shout through my gritted teeth.

"I had to Noah" He replies sheepishly

We hear the front door open and Adam stands up straight away, It was now 7pm. I hoped it was Ollie, I wished it was Ollie...

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