New Arrival

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**Noahs Point Of View**

Form was never exciting, it usually consisted of Mr. Chase giving us a good luck with the day speech and then dismissing us ready for the lessons that came after. It was quite rare for me to actually attend form, I'd usually be late or just not go, form seemed pointless to me and Mr. Chase always signed me in if he had seen me although I'm not attending form. I walked in late, 10 minutes till the end, Mr. Chase didn't say anything

"Daisy Church, why are you late?" Mr. Chase asks as Daisy shortly walks through form doors.

"Went for a fag didn't I?" She says taking her seat next to me "Morning Noah"

"Morning Daisy" I reply, Daisy was a sweet badass, she was clever and kind but she new how to rustle someones pajamas; Daisy wouldn't take anyones shit, student or teacher.

"Daisy, thats another late mark" Mr. Chase sighs

"Cool Story Bro" She replies "So Noah, been able to get anymore?"

"Not lately. I've been busy" I reply, did I mention I dealt packs of Cigarettes? It's how I earned my keep because the hostel pocket money sucked so much.

"Noah, come on man! I'm like your best customer" She pleads

"I'll see okay?" I reply

"Okay, cool" She says "Hows Taylor"

"Beautiful as ever" I reply "I think she's the one you know"

"Oh Noah, I've known you how long? She's definitely the one!" She replies whilst laughing

"Kids, the bells about to go, enjoy the week and I expect to see you here on time tomorrow Church" Mr Chase exclaims

The bell rings and I walk out of form, it was cold in the hall and my hoody wasn't warming me up. I walk down the hall to Taylors form room, masses of children everywhere, it made me cringe... Taylor walks out of form and bumps into me,

"Something on your mind?" I ask her, she looks puzzled.

"Kingsley hates me" She replies

"She hates everyone, don't take it personally" I assure her,

"Noah!" Charlie shouts "Noah!"

"Charlie" Noah Mimics "Charlie!"

"Have you heard from Ollie at all?" She asks,

"Nope, we had a fight" I say

"Toby's not in today" She replies

"Didn't think he would" I reply whilst Charlie gives me a glare; if looks could kill. "Anyway, english"

"We need to talk" Charlie whispers in my ear "Toilets. 9:30"

I walk Taylor and Charlie to english, Charlie is scaring me with her threats, I didn't want to talk to her, it was about Toby and Ollies relationship, I could tell. I walk into my english class and take my seat. Mr. Cunningham hated me or my behaviour; I Wasn't entirely sure. It wasn't something I actually made a note of. It didn't bother me, It bothered Mr. Chase though, all my classes in which I was dislike by some of my teachers caused a massive problem with Mr. Chase because all he wanted was the best for me.

"Noah, are you even paying attention" Mr Davis looks at me with bright eyes

"Totally" I say in my not-paying-attention state.

"So you wouldn't mind answer the question?" He says whilst narrowing his eyes to look at me more.

"There wasn't a question" I reply

"Then what is that on the board Noah?" He says almost in hysterics

"Writing" I joke, the whole class jokes with me.

"Noah, get out" He exclaims, his patience worn thin.

I stroll out the door and let it slam behind me. I wasn't in the mood to be sent out for having a laugh. Mr. Chase Strolls past and looks at me worryingly

"Have you been sent out?" He asks

"Damn straight" I reply smiling

"Not to calm down by the looks of things, what did you do?" He asks

"I wasn't paying attention and he sent me out." I reply

"Swag" Mr. Chase says

"That is totally outdated now" I say

"Noah" Mr. Davis says "Here is your work, now go sit in the library and do it."

I sigh and take the work off of him, it was boring and I wasn't going to do it. I make my way to the library and see Joel and Paul walking down the stairs from the office, Mr. Daniels showing them around.

"Hey Noah" Paul says to me

"He isn't" I say to Paul

"Oh but he is" Joel growls at me.

"This is bullshit" I say as I storm off into the library I wasn't in the mood for Joel to be enrolled in this school, he used to be in the Academy for pupils with Bad Behavior, I have no idea what it was called, The Link? I don't know.

I take my seat at a table in the library, chucking my books onto the table, It was more sheer panic rather than annoyance, Joel was going to get me excluded for sure, I was going to kill his sorry little ass. I had to see him at the hostel and now at school, I wasn't looking forward to it. My education was now screwed, thanks Paul.

English dragged and I didn't finish the work, as soon as the bell went I ran out the room and went straight down to Mr. Chase, he wasn't teaching all morning. I open his door and he is sat typing away on his laptop

"Noah?" he says "Noah, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"Did you know?" I ask "About Joel Jacobs"

"Joel Jacobs... Who?" He replies, but he is lying, I can tell.

"Don't give me that shit!" I shout "you're fucking lying"

"Noah... I didn't know he would be such a big deal for you" He replies

"Just let me tell you one thing. Him and me, we will be each others worst enemies" I warn

"Noah whats your next lesson" He asks changing the subject.

"I don't know, Life skills or something" I say pacing

"Noah sit down" He says

"I'm fine" I reply

"Noah, Sit Down" He demands, the tone of his voice scared me. "Thank you"

"I'm sorry. I'm just angry, frustrated and a little anxious" I reply

"Its okay Noah" He says softly again "I understand, I didn't mean to shout"

I smile and he looks at me, Mr. Chase was the doctors son who treated me the night my dad almost killed me, he was a little older and in training to be a teacher, one time he came into my hospital room with his dad and we made a connection. He acted like an older brother, like a father figure for me, and I was grateful for it. I was glad that Mr. Chase wanted to keep me in here, I didn't really want to be anywhere else right now. Joel had ruined my day.

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