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**Taylors Point Of View**

"What are you doing?" I ask Ellie whilst glancing at her computer

"Shopping for clothes" she says,

"I don't understand why you need so much" I reply

"An outfit for everyday" she says

"Why not just wear jeans and a hoodie?" I say

"Kids got a point" Mr. Garcia says walking past

"Your ties match your socks, your argument is invalid" Ellie States, I can't help but laugh.

"Do they actually?" I ask him

"They do no such thing of the sort, I just happen to be wearing purple socks with a purple tie. there's nothing wrong with organisation" he says

"Dude's got a point" I say

"There's nothing wrong with being organised" He says through a joke

"But colour coding? Is it really worth it?" Ellie says seriously,

"Yeah, makes the person seem more organised." He says laughing back. The lesson was almost over and I was only just starting to have fun. "Woah guys, why are you packing up? There is 5 minutes left of my lesson. Sit back down"

"Did he just shout?" I ask Ellie

"Somewhat" She mumbles

The bell rings ending the fun lesson, I walk out the door and to my locker without getting trampled on, the little kids who were running to get the bus were getting in my way.

"Charlie!" I shout as I see the back of her head

"Taylor?!" She shouts back

We finally meet up and stand out of the way of the little kids running to get he bus. Once they shift I walk to my locker with Charlie, we were both going to hang out at Tobys after school but we had to change first.

"Taylor?" Mr. Daniels says whilst signalling for me to go over to him

"Sup bruh" I say, he didn't look too impressed

"You left school premises at lunch" he says "assuming you saw Noah?"

"What of it?" I ask

"How was he?" He asks,

"Okay, little quiet. Didn't do much talking" I say "oh! There was this thing that whenever anyone mentioned Joel, he would tense up"

"Interesting. Okay, go home taylor" he says rushing off

"What 'twas that about?" Charlie asks

"Honestly? Not a clue" I reply as I open my locker. It was tidy with books piled up and my bag looking snazzy. "What time you going to Tobys?"

"I don't know. I was going to get home and change first. Probably around 4." She says "ugh, look at him walking around thinking he's so perfect. I hope he falls over."

"Who?" I ask turning around "oh joel"

"He's obnoxious and I hope someone punches him in the face." she remarks

"That's mean" I say "But I hope so too"

We laugh as we leave the school grounds and joke around in the lanes, we almost got ran over by a car. Oops...

**Noah's Point Of View**

"What's you're fucking problem?" Ollie says as I look up from my book.

"Excuse me?" I reply putting the book down.

"You've always got to interfere" He protests

"Do Not!" I exclaim

"Yes, you fucking do Noah. You're always around and always making snide comments about everyone and everything. You don't know when its time to stop and you have no clue when it comes to people and emotions, the only ones you know are anger and being fucking happy. You're a fucking sociopath verging psychopath and no one likes you for it. Taylor's probably going to dump your sorry ass bec-" Ollie starts

"Don't fucking bring her into this" I shout

"Oh, we've found Noah's soft spot" He jokes

"Don't ev-" I start

"Don't what?" Ollie replies "Say anything about your little pet, Taylor?"

"Ollie!" I shout whilst getting up and pinning him against the wall "I will break your fucking arm!"

"Will you?" He asks

I twist his arm against his back just like I did to Joel today and he cries out in pain before kicking his knee back which makes me crumple to the floor in a heap. I then get up and Ollie pushes me on the floor in my room and starts laying his fists into any open part of my body, my nose, my face, my ribs, my shoulders, anything he can get his fist into. i feel light headed and everything goes blurry, I cant feel my face anymore, what has Ollie done?

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