"Good Luck"

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**Noahs Point Of View**

Taylor left 10 minutes ago and now I'm sat here bored with no work and a sub teacher because Mr. Flanagan has been suspended. Apparently it's not the first time he's made a rude or sexist remark to a student.

"Noah, you alright?" Daisy asks me whilst poking my cheek

"Yeah, just thinking" I reply

"Ew, don't do that. It's dangerous" she jokes "so what's up?"

"Daisy, don't freak out" I say, she looks genuinely concerned now "I'm moving to London"

"crazy girlfriend run you out of town? Pffft, never really liked her anyway. What's up with the accent and her really bad ha-" she rambles

"Daisy. Shut Up. I'm moving to London because I've a foster family there." I say placing my finger on her lips

"oh" she say slumping in her chair "since when?"

"Yesterday, it's when I got told anyway" I say

"Why you two no do work?" The sub says, did I not mention he was Chinese?

"We've no work to do" I reply

"Work on board" he says pointing to the board.

"Cool story bro" Daisy says as he mumbles something in Chinese that we can't understand. "That sucks man, I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too" I reply hugging her


Well there's the bell but no Taylor. Did she fall asleep on the toilet?

"Noah, rugby?" Mr. Owen says to me as I walk past him.

"Not today, or any day in the future, I'm leaving. I've got other things to worry about." I say sincerely

"Good luck in the future Noah" he says patting me on the back

I walk towards Taylors locker but she was no where to be seen, sod it, I'll just go out and see if they're there.

"Noah!" Joey shouts as I walk up the canteen stairs

"Joey" I say giving him a hug, he was my little friend in year seven. "What's can I help you with?"

"I heard you're leaving?" He says "who's going to cheer me up now?"

"Wait, who told you I'm leaving?" I say "and I've given those responsibilities to Toby okay?"

"I over heard you telling Taylor and Charlie" he explains

"You'll be fine little one okay?" I say hugging him "Toby will look after you, I promise. Where are they anyway?"

"I saw Taylor talking to Mr. Chase a couple of minutes ago" He says pulling back

"Noah!" Mr. Chase says coming towards me "When'd you leave for the day?"

"Half one" I say "Why?"

"Follow me" He says excitedly

I follow him into the staff room, teachers stare as I walk in, Mr. Chase makes a quick announcement and then passes over to me

"Okay, so I didn't know he was going to do this so I didn't prepare anything. But it is true, I am leaving today and I'm not coming back, I'm going to London. I know for the majority of you I've been a pain in the ass and you're probably glad I'm going. But I think in every single teacher there has been one time at least where we've actually gotten along, whether or not its been for long or just for a few minutes but everyone of us has gotten along one time or another." I say "So keep working hard and trying hard to get everyone to pass their grades, and good luck!"

They clap and cheer, the speech sucked and it was a spur of the moment thing, I didn't want to do it but I did and I actually feel quite happy about it. Few teachers come up to me and pat me on the back with a reassuring comment before I leave. I was more interested in finding Taylor, Toby and Charlie.

"Hey!" Toby says as I grab my stuff from thy locker.

"Where have you lot been?" I ask putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Around looking for you" He says

"Where are the girls?" I ask

"We've got permission to be out of school for the afternoon so they've gone home to get changed." He explains

"Permission from who?" I ask

"Mr. Daniels" He says nodding his head towards the man himself

"Oh I see" I say turning around and holding my hand up to wave goodbye to him, but he starts walking over with an envelope.

"Noah, you off?" He asks

"I got a few more things to collect before I go, why'd you ask?" I say

"Do those things and before you leave, meet me at level four" He says pointing upstairs

"Alright?" I say as he walks upstairs

"Where'd you need to go?" Toby asks me,

"I need to collect all my school books from maths science and English." I say

"I'll help out" He says following me down to the English corridor,

"Mr. Cunningham?" I say opening his door, the tall bald man was sat at his desk eating a pizza slice from the canteen.

"What can I do for you Noah?" He asks

"Can I have my English book?" I ask

"Sure!" He says letting me get it "Why'd you want it?"

"You're not teaching me anymore." I say "I'm moving to London"

"But you're one of my best students!" He replies shocked "Does Mr. Bayes know?"

"Not yet. Is he in his room?" I say

"Yeah, I think so." He says as I walk out the door and down the corridor

"Boys, out the corridor" Mr. Bayes says walking towards us.

"Ah, just the man I need" I reply "I feel I should inform you that today is my last day at this school for I am leaving to London"

"Seriously?" He asks shocked

"Seriously." I say

"Well Noah, it'll be a shame to miss one of my bright English students but I guess that's that." He says shaking my hand

"Hey, I'm good at English!" Toby says offended

"You are, but you're not leaving" He says

"Anyway, I've got my science book to get" I say

"Good Luck Noah" He says as we walk off downstairs

We sneak into Mr. Petersons room to get my science book, his door was always unlocked, he never seemed to lock it despite it being a science lab. I wasn't going to bother with my maths book, there was hardly anything in it so it would seem pointless getting it from him.

"That's that." I say to Toby

"To level four" He says to me

"Noah?" Mr. Garcia says stopping me in the corridor.

"yeah??" I say looking at him as he holds out his hand

"Good Luck" He says as I take his hand and shake it.

I smile at him and then make my way upstairs to level four where Mr.. Daniels is waiting for my arrival.

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