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**Noahs Point Of View**

God knows how long I'd been here for, it was starting to get cold and I guessed I should really go back to the hostel. The journeys all up hill which tires me out big time and by the time I reach the hostel, I had sweat dripping off me.

"Noah can I have a word?" Dan asks me

"What about?" I say looking at him

"Ollie" he says

"I don't want to hear it Dan" I say walking off into my room.

"Noah, listen-" he starts

"No, I'm not going to listen. Ollies in a shit with me for I know not why, Joel's at the same school as me and he won't stop causing shit. He is the entire reason I'm at this hostel right now and not in school. I just need a break from all the drama and the bullshit" I say getting a book from my shelf and putting my earphones in.

I hear him walk out the room and shut the door behind him, he was speaking to someone outside my door but I didn't know who, to be brutally honest I didn't care either. I just wanted to be alone for a bit.

**Charlies Point Of View**

Extra Maths, it sucked so much and the teacher was a total bellend. Mr. Flanagan wasn't my actual maths teacher, he was Taylor and Noahs, I had Mr. Owens who was head of maths; I totally preferred him to this arsehole.

"Sir, may I be excused to use the bathroom?" I ask politely, one thing you learn in high school is that if you ask nicely, you'll get away with a lot more things.

"Sure, fine, whatever." He says waving me out the door. Rude prick.

"Hey, did you sort out your Buisness?" Taylor asks me

"Yeah, it's done with. How are you?" I reply

"I'm good. Mr. Taylor flirted with me" she says

"Again?" I ask sounding shocked

"At least I think he was... his art was chivalry." She says, what did that even mean?

"Well, he is British..." I point out

"True enough. Where you at now then?" She asks

"Extra Maths with Mr. Flanagan" I say sadly

"Dickhead" Taylor replies, she had a point.

"Don't you like him?" I say with a chuckle

"He a rude, arrogant dildo" she says laughing

"Where you supposed to be?" I ask her

"Information with the lovely Mr. Garcia" she tells me

"Oh the lovely Adam." I reply

"Adam? His first name is Adam?" She says shocked

"Yeah, why?" I say curiously

"Adam Garcia, sounds like an Italian bartender" she says laughing

"All the girls fancy him" I reply

"I've noticed" she says "Ellie, in our year, can't take her eyes off him"

"Yeah but she crushes on every single hot teacher." I state "Anyway, I should be getting back"

"Yeah me too" she says "you coming to Tobys after school?"

"Yeah, I'll see you there" I say walking back to maths

"Where've you been Charlie?" Mr. Flanagan asks

"Toilet" I reply with an attitude

"For 5 minutes?" He says

"When nature ca-" I say

"Very well, sit down" he says cutting me off. "You can answer the question on the board"

"x-y=2" I say "do we know what
x+y equals?"

"No, that's what we have to work out." He says

"x=4" I say "and y=2... or something like that"

"Something like that" he mutters to himself. "anyone else?"

Boring algebra, don't put me on the spot like that. Prick.

**Taylors Point Of View**

I walk back into information, Ellie and Mr. Garcia are not back yet. Good, he won't notice my absence. I open up a laptop and Google an essay on the book Of Mice And Men, it was English homework which was due in last week but I never got around to it. The second bell rings and Ellie and Mr. Garcia walk back in, he had a cup of something in his hand and Ellie seemed more attentive than usual.

"You alright?" I ask

"Yeah good Fine absolutely fine" she say

"Did he drug you?" I ask concerned

"No, he made coffee and we had a talk, about stuff" she says

"Ellie stop bouncing" I say "its unnerving"

"Sorry, caffeine rush" she says calming down

"So, I bet that was like a fantasy and a half for you" I joke

"What?" She asks surprised

"Having Coffee with Mr. Garcia" I say

"I would of preferred taking shots and getting him wasted on a night out but whatever, right?" She says

"Well, that's weird." I say

"He's just so cute" she says staring at him "I just want to see him everyday"

"Ellie, you're being really creepy" I say "and loud"

"Sorry, caffeine rush, everything's blurry" she says

"Ellie, remember what we talked about" Mr. Garcia interrupts

"Yeah, sorry, on it" she says opening a laptop

"What did you talk about?" I ask

"School stuff, homework and pressure. Exams and routines. Also making it look like I'm busy in his lessons." She explains

"Fair enough" I say "speaking of exams, apparently we have mock exams next week"

"Yeah, we dooo" she says "we're all screwed for them though."

"I bet, with the level of teaching in this school" I joke, Ellie laughs.

Mock exams? Why? I only found this out because I read it on a notice board. I guess they could be progress reports, just to see how well we're doing. That would make more sense... I didn't test well, never had, so I was screwed for these exams.

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