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I see Ollie walk into Joel's room, I guess I should stop him but then again, Joel did knock me out.

"You can't be here" Joel protests as Ollie slams his fist into the side of Joel's face

"try and get rid of me" Ollie barks

Joel grabs Ollie by his waist and Rams him into the wardrobe, Ollie cries out in pain then knees Joel in the face causing him to jump back and release Ollie, who then using this to his advantage, gets on top of Joel and starts rapidly punching him in the face, Ollies hand covered in blood an sweat.

"Noah, you seen Ollie?" Paul, another adult member, asks me

"Not at all" I lie again.

"What are you doing down here anyway?" He asks

"Nothing" I lie once more

"And you're leaning against the door post of Joel's room because..." Paul starts, I wait for him to put the puzzle pieces together. "Ollie?"

Paul barges past me and into Joel's room. I knew the consequences that Ollie was about to face, should I have stopped him?

**Ollies' Point Of View**

I punch Joel's face once more, my hands moist from his blood and my sweat. suddenly I feel arms around my waist which are pulling me away from the scene, I watch it unfold before my eyes, Joel lying there, face blood red and nose broken, this was my design. I turn and get dragged out the room, Noah watching this all go to shit. He could have stopped me, I was in so much trouble right now.

"Ollie?" I hear Adams voice, it was the last voice I wanted to hear "Ollie what happened?"

"He deserved it" I say spitefully

"Get him to my room, Noah too" Adam demands and I'm dragged into his room.

"What's this about?" Noah demands

"I think you know more than you let on." Adam says

My hands were cold and shaking with adrenalin, the cuts and broken skin was starting to hurt and my head was pounding. Adam had been staring at me for about ten minutes, I wanted to hide into a little ball.

"You made the decision to go in there and punch him senseless. You made the decision to start a fight. You made the decision to cause an argument. You made a decision to start this, and you Noah, you didn't make a decision to come find me or tell someone." Adam says disapprovingly. "I'm disappointed in you two, I'm taken aback by your behaviour, especially you Ollie, this isn't you!"

"Adam, I'm sorry" I say feeling ashamed

"It's not me you should apologise to" Adam says "Dan is the one who you're going to want to speak to about this and I'm pretty sure he will want to talk to you"

"I didn't do anything" Noah exclaims "I didn't punch him, that was ollie"

"Do one will you!" I reply getting angry. "Why'd you let me punch him? You should of fucking stopped me"

"Ollie, calm down" Adam says

"No, fuck you" I say, Noah looks shocked "fuck you both"

I get up and walk out, shoving my shoulder into Noah as I walk past, everything was fucked, this whole thing. I walk to the bathrooms and run the cold water tap over my hand, surprisingly it didn't hurt, my hand was mostly num. The soothing feeling of water on my hand made me forget about things for a little while. It was a nice escape.

"Hey" I hear from behind me, I look up into the mirror and see Dan stood behind me, I turn my head back around and look at him

"I know what you're going to say" I say

"Do you?" Dan asks calmly

"You want to say how much of a fuck up this has been. How I shouldn't have punched Joel, how I sho-" I start, Dan stops me

"I'm mad, Ollie. But, I know you did it for Noah. I know about that, and do you know how?" He asks, I shake my head, "because that's what friends do. Ollie, I'm not condoning what you did. I'm not saying it's right and there will be consequences, but I want you to know that you're okay to be mad at Joel, at Noah, at Adam, hey you could even be mad at me but the one person you shouldn't be mad at is yourself."

"Dan, why are you being so nice to me?" I ask confuzzled.

"Because Ollie, I like you and I want the best for you." He says holding his arms out for a hug, I hesitate and hug him. I really liked Dan, he was probably one of my closest buddies apart from Noah.

I sob silently into Dans jumper, it was soothing and took my mind of things. I just wanted today to be over now.

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