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**Charlies Point of View**

Taylors just walked in, I tried giving her a reassuring smile but she didn't seem to take the bait. She walked straight past Coben and didn't wish him a good afternoon like he did. She's sat with her head on the table now, whatever's up with her it must be something big.

"Sparky, hand out the books" Mr. Coben asks me

I reluctantly get up and get the books from the front of the room; I paid no attention where people sat which made this task even harder. I give Taylor her book but she does even flinch, her head remains on the table. Whatever was on her mind was killing her slowly.

"Taylor?" I say quietly nudging her from my desk "Taylor what's up"

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

**Taylors Point of View**

I want to go home. I'm fed up with myself, with Daisy, Noah, Charlie, Ollie and Toby. I'm tired and hot, I hate this uniform. I hate this school and the people in it. Everyone was on edge today, like something big was going to happen. I wanted to see Noah and just get a hug from him, something to let me know everything's okay.

I slyly put in my earphones without Mr. Coben noticing. He had this strange rule where if you were wearing earphones he would just kick you out there and then. Music was all I needed to pass the time away.


Charlie nudges me again, this time I remove my earphone and look at her

"What?" I snap

"I just wanted to know if you're okay?" she asks

"Yeah fine" I say rudely and putting back in my earphone.

There still was 20 minutes left, I could see out the corner of my eye that Coben kept looking at me. I hadn't a clue what we were working on but I didn't really care. I could see him walking towards me but I didn't move. I didn't want to hear his sob story or his plea as teachers did whenever they wanted you to do work.

He taps my arm so I remove my earphones but instead of saying anything to me, he just indicates for me to follow him outside. I follow and remove my other earphone

"Taylor, what's up?" He asks, as if he cares.

."Nothing. Its fine" I lie

"Yeah, okay" he scoffs "and the real reason?"

"Just leave me alone!" I shout before walking off towards the toilets, I felt like crying.

After about 10 minutes of wallowing in self-pity I decide to leave the bathroom stall and walk out to the library where I can see the distinct figure of Noah. Hoping it is him I run into the library.

"Taylor?" He says getting up "hey, hey what's up?"

I fall into his arms, his body warmth and smell was calming enough, clinging onto him as if I were to fall off. He kisses my head and hugs me tight back, his arms around me now, comforting me and telling me everything's going to be okay.

"I'm sorry" I say wiping my tears

"It's okay." He says rubbing my arm "its okay"

"It's not. Today's not okay." I reply

"Let's say you and me tonight, cuddled on your bed watching movies until ridiculous o'clock?" He suggests, I smile

"I'd like that" I reply sitting on the floor next to him.

"Are you going to maths?" He asks as I rest my head against his chest and cuddle up to him

"I don't know" I mumble "ask me when the bell goes"

He smiles and hugs me; I felt a state with dry tears forming on my cheek leaving the salt crystals dry in a downward line.

"Taylor?" Noah says, I make a noise in acknowledgement "I love you"

"I love you too" I reply

**Tobys' Point Of View**

Despite wanting to go to English, I'm currently regretting it. Everyone keeps asking about the fight between Theo Jax and Noah, a few from science asking about my fight but mostly about Noah. Dear god let me go!

"Toby, five minutes left, you can skedaddle" Mr. Bayes tells me

"Uuuh thanks." I say packing my stuff up and basically running out of the room. Maybe the power of God actually worked?

I walk downstairs to Mr. Daniels room, he was sat there typing away on his laptop, and he looked bored. I knock which makes him jump then he wheels over in his chair and opens the door.

"Hey Toby, how was English?" He asks

"Oh yeah, great" I say sarcastically "Y'know, if people constantly asking about Noah and Theo's fight is great"

"I need to follow that up at some point" He says making a note of it "D'you know where Noah is now?"

"Probably as far away from here as possible" I joke "I don't actually know, want me to give him a ring?"

"That'd be great" He says as I get my phone out of my pocket and select Noah's Number from my contacts.

I just hoped he would pick up.

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