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**Ollies Point Of View**

I didn't mean to piss off Taylor, I didn't know she was really emotional today. It wasn't my intention to bring up Noah or even make a snide comment; it just came out.

"She'll be okay" Charlie assures me "Noah's been awol all day"

"I didn't mean to wind her up!" I say

"Maybe it's her time of the month?" Daisy says from the floor

"That's not fair, you're the first person to moan if someone says that to you!" Charlie shouts

"I mean it though, no-one gets that upset if they can't find their boyfriend" Daisy replies

"Toby? You alright there? You look a little uncomfortable" I ask him as he puts his hand down there to re-arrange his area.

"Your jeans are so tight" he exclaims

"Mhm, I know" I reply

"Can I please have mine back?!" He says playing with the belt loops of the jeans I was wearing.

"Fine" I say as I pull them down and exchange them for mine.

"Nice boxers Tobz" Charlie jokes "purple; very manly".

"I think it's sexy" I say darting Charlie a look.

"What's the time?" Daisy asks

"Uhh 1:10" I reply

"Charlie you done?" She asks politer than before

"Yeah, want to go back?" Charlie replies

"I don't want to, I need too. I'm hungry and I get cranky when I'm hungry" Daisy explains as I laugh "you got a problem, Oliver?"

"N-n-n-no M'am" I says scared

"Good!" She replies before strutting off with Charlie.

"What ever Noah saw in her I do not know." I joke

"Speaking of Noah, have you spoken to him lately?" Toby asks much to my annoyance.

"Nothing, Adams been trying to get hold of me but I haven't replied" I say

"What about when you go back on Thursday?" He asks

"I go back, there's nothing I can do" I say sadly

"Well, I enjoy having you around" Toby says giving me a hug. "I should really go back"

"Yeah, you should" I reply

"But it's so nice out here. Just meeee, and yoou. no one else arooound" he says playing with my jeans

"Toby, Darling. There's cows around. And you've got to go back to school" I say trying to play the responsible adult

"But Olliieeeee" he whines, god it was sexy.

"Toby!" I say firm and direct; a bit like something else in my life.

"Fiiiiine, but tonight you're playing" he moans

"I'll walk you back to school if that's what you want" I ask as his eyes light up.

We walk back to school chatting about how all he wants to do is bet at home with me watching films and curling up into bed. I don't blame him either, it sounded pretty good to me.

We reach the school gates and I see Noah walking towards us, he looked pissed off and tired. this is not how I imagined our first encounter after the fight.

"Hey, Ollie" he says calmly "how's things?"

"They're good, you?" I reply

"Not bad. Listen, about our argument-" he starts

"Forget about it. It was the heat of the moment thing. We were both fed up, tired and angry. I shouldn't have brought Taylor into it" I say respectfully

"We cool?" He asks holding out his hand which was covered in cuts and bruising

"We cool." I reply grasping his hand and shaking it

"Oh hey, I'm real happy for you too" he says "Toby got anything?"

"A rollie and a lighter." He says digging into his pockets.

"May I?" Noah asks

"Go for it" Toby replies as Noah grabs his head and kisses it.

At least we were now getting along.

**Noahs Point Of View**

I basically run down the lanes to the gate. I was gagging okay? Not going to lie this was one of those times where a cigarette was all I needed. It almost felt like a life or death situation.

"Youths of today, smoking in uniform. Bringing shame upon their school" a passerby comments

"Have you got a problem mate?" I say back

"No, not a problem at all. Just a general concern for the school not teaching you a) general manners and b) smoking is wrong." He says

"I've got general manners, just not for fuck-wits who decide to shame on kids who smoke" I reply.

"I'll be phoning your school up about this. You're a disrespect to this society" he growls whilst getting his phone out.

"Tell them I say hello" I reply whilst taking a drag. "Olliieeeeee"

"What's the catch Noah?" He demands

"Catch? Catch for what?" I ask confused

"Us? We get into a fight and suddenly everything's fine?" He says

"Ollie, man. Chill out dude. We decided that it was fine so leave it at that." I reply "also come back home, it's boring without yooou"

"I have a home. It's called Tobys." He says

"I'm glad you two have hit it off, but you can't stay there for ever" I state

"I knnooow" he says sadly "I was going to go in today, see Adam and tell him I'm fine. Let him know I'm staying at a friends"

"Alright. I should be getting back" I say getting off the fence.

We go in for a bro hug then make our seperate ways. I'm glad I sorted it out with Ollie, maybe I might actually be okay.

**Taylors Point Of View**

I've been sat in the toilets for the remainder of lunch, I didn't feel right and I just wanted a Noah hug, I wanted to see Noah just to make sure he was okay.

There goes the bell for English, or maths I wasn't sure. Either way I knew I didn't want to go.

You coming to English? - Charlz

I guess it was English. I dry my eyes and walk out of the toilet stall, no one was in here which was brilliant, no one was able to see me. I looked a wreck, probably no more than usual.

I walk out the toilets and into the corridor filled with loud children. English. Priority was English. I could see Mr. Coben stood at his door greeting people as they walked in, I didn't want to face it, I couldn't face it. I had to face it. Sod it. I walk to English with my head down, I wasn't up for this. I didn't want to be.

"Good After-" Mr. Coben says as I walk in the door, Charlie looks at me but I don't dare make eye contact.

Why did I come here?

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