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**Charlies Point Of View**

"Hey, how is everything?" I ask mum through the phone

"It's okay. I have a few broken ribs and a minor head injury but I should be home by the time you get home" she replies

"That's good then" I say "listen mum, I've got school to get to but I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay Charlie. Be good. Love you" she says

"Love you too mum" I reply

It was good to know she is okay. I swear if I ever saw his face again I would smash it into a thousand pieces.

It was 8:15 and school started in 15 minutes. I was tired because I hadn't slept at all and if I was asleep, it was only for two hours at least.

"Charlie you're 10 minutes late" Mr. Jacobs says as I walk into form

"Yeah sorry" I reply taking my seat near the window

"You're never late. Reason" he demands

"I'm just late, alright?" I say with an attitude. Sleep deprivation, you're killing me.

**Noahs Point Of View**


Taylors been strange and nice to me since I told her I was leaving. I wasn't complaining at all, this morning was great but I didn't want it to end. I didn't want to come to school yet here I am, at schools with a shirt and school tie on with jeans.

"Noah, you're not in proper uniform" Mr. Chase States

"Yeah, I know I'm sorry" I reply shaking my head

"I'll write you a note but this is the last time okay?!" He says, little did he know...

I continue staring out the window, Toby was staring at me, I could feel it. I wasn't in the mood to flip out today, I had to pack all my stuff and say goodbye to everyone. Hopefully Adam has packed my clothes for me...

"Right, bells going to go. stand behind your chairs and let me see how smart you all look" Mr. Chase says looking around the room, I stand up and put my hands in my pockets. the bell rings and Mr. Chase looks at me "Noah a word"

"what?" I say softly

"Here's your note" he says handing me a bit of paper, as I walk off he calls me back

"I've got lessons" I shrug

"Noah, what's up" he asks

"That news Adam told you about, he found me a foster family" I say

"Well that's good isn't it?" He says folding his arms

"Yeah, it's great but it's in London... I'm just leaving everything behind, friend, teachers, school..." I say

"When'd you leave?" He asks rubbing his hand over his scruffy beard

"4:00 today" I say "I finish school at half one"

"Is it something you want, to go live with this family?" He asks

"Yeah." I say getting up from the table I've been leaning on "I just... I don't know"

"Change is a big thing Noah. It's not easy but it's achievable" he says putting his arm around my shoulders and walking to the door "just think of all the new opportunities"

I smile at him and walk out his door, I had double catering but I didn't want to go. I walk down and apologise for being late, Theo and his mates look at me as I walk in the door but it doesn't bother me, I didn't care anymore.

"Noah, you're working over there, here's your card and apron" Mr. Lowall says to me as he hands me a card and apron

I walk over to the station and look at what he had given me, chocolate cupcake recipe. Oh good, something to break the ice.

I get cooking and start measuring out ingredients: 50g of this, 200g of that, 4oz of those and 100ml of these. It was simple enough I guess.


Cupcakes were in the oven and all I had to do was make the chocolate icing, more measuring out. Butter, icing sugar, water in a bowl and mix whizz mixing done and it tastes quite good even if I do say so myself.

"Hey, Austin" Theo shouts from his station

"What?" I say in return

"You never apologised" he says

"Neither did you" I state

"I had no reason to, you-" he starts

"Not me, Toby" I say calmly

"He deserved it" he replies with a smirk

"Yeah well, so did you" I scoff, he comes over to me and grabs my collar

"Listen here. Toby got what he deserved, now it's your chance to apologise or he won't be the only one with a slit eyebrow" Theo threatens

"You know, I'd love to but right now I'm a little busy cooking... maybe later?" I say trying to break tension, he returns by thrusting me into the counter behind me

"Theo Jax put him down and get outside" Mr. Lowall says walking in the door

"This isn't over" Theo growls in my face before throwing me on the floor, Mr. Lowell comes over and helps me up

"You alright Noah?" He asks holding out his hand

"Yeah, I guess" I reply whilst taking his hand and pulling myself up

"Did he hit you?" He asks

"No no, just threatened to cut my eyebrow open" I say dusting myself down

"Oh brilliant" he replies sarcastically before walking over to his phone to get someone to remove Theo

I take my cupcakes out the oven and, if I do say so myself, they looked gorgeous. They had cooked perfectly and risen well. Now let's just wait for them to cool.

** 10:20am

"Noah a word" Mr. Daniels says walking into catering

"What's up?" I ask him

"I need you to write statement about what just happened" he tells me

"Fine" I say "I've got nothing better to do, my cupcakes are cooling so..."

"Here's a pen, ask sir for paper and send it up to my room when you're done" he says handing me a blue biro

I walk back in and steal some paper from sirs desk, he won't mind. I walk back over to my baking station and start writing what happened.

My cupcakes have cooled it's now time to frost them, an ice cream swirl and a mini chocolate stars to finish them off, perfect. Mr. Lowall photographs them and gives me a lunchbox to take them home in.

I might just have to try one.

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