The Next Day

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Today is Thursday, the time is 6:30am. My phone buzzes with the sound of panic at the disco, cheesy I know but it got me up in the morning. I curl up in my duvet and snuggle my pillow, ignoring the fact I needed to get out of bed. I keep myself warm until my dad walks in and strips the duvet from my bed.

"Taylor, get up. You're going to be late" he says

"Five more minutes" I mumble half asleep into my pillow

"Not in five minutes Taylor. Now!" He demands "don't make me tickle you"

"You wouldn't." I say giving him a stern look

"Test me" he says

I don't move and he darts towards me and starts tickling me whilst I wriggle out of his grip giggling.

"Okay, okay I'll get up!" I say inbetween breaths.

Dad leaves to get himself ready for work and I get myself dressed. I never wear skirts, I'm not a girly girl, I torched my Barbie dolls when I was six according to my dad. Anyway, I get my shirt and jumper on and put my trousers on with my tie in my hand. I looked pretty good if I do say so myself. I say goodbye to dad and give him a kiss then open the front door and look at the strange boy stood leaning upon the gate.

"Alright stranger" I say walking up the path to reach him.

"Fancy meeting you out here then aye" Noah giggles

"Fancy that" we smile and walk to school together.

We get to school just before the bell is about to ring and we walk in, the teachers greet us and Noah greats them back being the gentleman he is. He walks me to my locker and I place my stuff in it and the bell closes as soon as I shut it.

"When will I have the pleasure of seeing your face again?" Noah says sweetly

"Depends, what do we have first?" I ask

"Science" he says quietly "stupid science"

"Who've you got" I ask, silently hoping he has Mr. Peterson.

"Mr.-" Noah starts

"Come on Taylor, form time." My form tutor says as she walks passed.

"I've got to go" I say hurrying off to form, leaving Noah stood in the corridor.

I run after my form tutor and walk into form with her. She takes her seat behind the old oak desk and I take mine in the back corner of the room. Noah smelled extra good today, I don't know if it was deliberate but he just smelled amazing, he was dreamy and cute-

"Taylor Maddens? Are you here" my form tutor shouts

"Yes miss. Sorry" I say apologetically

"Next time keep up and pay attention" she groans

I stare out the window of the class. It was a dry day although the clouds were grey and were starting to take over the sky. I started doodling in my notebook, I wasn't a great artist, I could draw a stickman with pants and a t-shirt on but that's as far as I could art...


I stop doodling and pick my text books up then walk out the door, to my dismay I don't see Noah around waiting to take me to science. I look around but I can't see him, was he mad because I ran off this morning? I didn't mean it. I feel bad now... Maybe I'll see him in science.

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