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**Ollies' Point Of View**

Noah and I stumble into the hostel trying to look as sober as possible, it wasn't working.

"Where've you two been" Adam says, dragging both of us into his office. "I expected you back like, three hours ago"

"We're sorry" Noah slurs

"You've been drinking?" Adam curiously asks although he knows the answer

"Noooooo" I say

"Showers Now, Both Of You" he bellows

We tread off into the showers, Adam shortly follows and watches us stand fully clothed against the stalls.

"You know what happens when you underage drink Noah, Ollie you're new to this" Adam starts turning the freezing cold water on
"Noah you're up"

Noah waddles over to the cold shower, Adam puts his hand around the back of his neck and forcefully throws Noah's head under the stream of water. I had no idea what type of punishment this was but hey, at least we didn't have to see the head of house.

Noah runs his hands through his soaking wet hair and let's the water drip onto the floor and over his trainers. I was next and I wasn't looking forward to it... I walk up to Adam and feel his cold hand on my neck, I shiver and he shoves my head under the water just like he did to Noah. Shit it was cold, freezing, I wasn't prepared for it.

"Adam come on man" I plead, had defiantly been under longer than Noah.

"You must be kidding? Underage drinking, you best thank me for not going to Dan about this" Adam protests "you've got to learn Ollie, you can't just be a kid all your life, you're going to have to grow up and be a realist sometime"

This only made me angry, Noah got shorter than me, why'd I stay longer, he didn't lecture Noah. I kick back and hit Adam in the leg and he cries out in pain, I use this to my advantage and bring my elbow to his nose then jab my hand on the back of his neck which sends him face first into the floor, I run out the door and to my room, pack a few necessities and get the hell out of there. I had no idea where to go, no one to run to... fuck man.

**Noahs Point Of View**

"Shit!" I exclaim "shit! Adam are you okay?"

"Noah chill, I'm fine" he replies "just grab me a towel"

I do as he says and grab him a towel from the rack. He manages to get to his feet and I turn off the shower stream.

"Why'd he do that?" I ask

"Noah calm down" he protests "you did exactly the same"

"Did I?" I ask surprised, last time I checked, I guarded Adam with my life.

"Yeah, you gave me a black eye and didn't talk to me for three weeks" he explains

"I'm sorry" I say slumping down on a bench; Adam joins me, still holding the towel to his face "what do you reckon Ollies done"

"Probably runaway" he replies "he always did it, long before you got here. Ever since he turned 10 it was like a teenage runaway show"

"Joel?" I say looking forward at a tall man with glasses looking down at us, Joel was the hostel nut job and particularly hated me.

"Adam, what happened?" He asks Adam, blanking me completely and interrupting out conversation.

"Joel it's nothing. I slipped walking through the showers, Noah saw and helped me out" Adam lies.

"Noah, go to your room" Joel demands

"No!" I protest as Joel comes over to me and forcibly picks me up from the arm and throws me on the floor, he was only a little taller than me but a lot stronger.

"Now Noah!" He growls

"Fuck Off!" I shout back at him

He slaps me across the face with the back of his hand. Joel was a dick, he hated me and how close I was to Adam. I swear to god I was going to kill him someday.

"JOEL" Adam Shouts

"I'll fucking kill you" I shout whilst running towards Joel,

I throw my fist into his face and jerk his knee back with one kick. He grabs my arm and twists it behind my back whilst shoving my face into the cubical door, that Adam was just propped up against, causing me a great deal of pain.

"You're going to go to your room like the good little pest you are and then you're going to stay the fuck there because no one wants to see you around" he spits in my ear

"Joel stop you're hurting me" I plead, this triggers a flashback of my dad doing the exact same thing to me, Joel was a resemblance to my dad, apart from he had a little less facial hair and was the same age as me. He was the bully of the hostel and took a particular disliking to me.

"I thought you'd be used to the pain. You fucking enjoy it Noah." Joel says and with one sharp movement he slams my head into the cubical door. I feel the heat and rush of blood to my head and then the cold tiles of the floor. Whatever happened next was a blur...

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