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**Charlies Point Of View**

"There you are!" I shout as Toby walks out of his form room

"I'm not in the mood Charlie" He replys, someone pissed him off.

"Hey man, what's up?" I ask, he shrugs me off. "Toby?"

I see him storm off into the boys toilets, he didn't look happy.

"You found him then" Taylor says

"Yeah, he's not very talkative" I reply

"Science then" She says

"Yeah, that" I mumble walking towards the science block

Charlie, its Noah. He pissed me off and if I see him I'm scared he will hit me... Tobz

Makes sense to be honest... Everyone was scared that when they pissed Noah off he would break their face.

Okay, fair enough, I'll seee you around okay?

Science was boring as hell, Mr. Harrish was your typical science teacher who wants to get down with the kids, he tried to act cool and blended in with what was going on in our lives, but he didn't put up with any shit from kids and as soon as things got out of hand, he would go from being this cool kid to a serious pain-in-your-ass.

"Charlie? You going to be getting any work done this morning?" Mr. Harrish says to me whilst tapping on my desk.

"Yeah, sorry" I say opening my book.

"It's not like you to get distracted" he says "must be something big"

"Yeah, something like that" I mumble as I start to write the title down

Today keeps getting better and better.

**Taylors Point Of View**

I hated science, it was the worst lesson ever. I didn't know what was up with everyone but they all seemed on edge. Everyone seemed like they didn't want to be here, as if they were fed up of the place and the people. I wasn't one to judge, I'd just let them get on with it. Noah hadn't turned up yet, I hadn't seen him all morning... I miss him.

"Maddens, hand out these books will you" Mr. Peterson says to me whilst dropping a pile of exercise books on my desk.

"Yes Sir." I say getting up and picking the books up

"Austin, you're late" Mr. Peterson says

"omg no way" Noah replies sarcastically

"Where were you?" Mr. Peterson demands

"I was talking to Mr. Owen Sir." Noah says

"Hmm" Mr. Peterson says in disbelief

"Ask him if you don't fucking believe me!" He shouts

"Get out" Mr. Peterson says "you're late and swearing, I wish not to teach such a vulgar young boy"

"Be careful what you wish for" Noah spitefully remarks

The door slams and my phone buzzes, I finish handing out the books before looking at it, Mr. Peterson was on his phone trying to get a hold of a senior member of staff to remove Noah from outside his class.

I'm sorry you had to see that... Today's just not my day babe. Love you xXx - Noah

I smile at my phone, he was cute when he was angry, something about it made me feel strange but in a good way.

I liked seeing a rougher side to you xx love you too boo.

"Taylor, phone away!" Mr. Peterson demands. "Turn your textbooks to page 44 and read the first paragraph."

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