Science Fun

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"Today is practical day, which means we will be blowing stuff up and by that I mean Blowing your tiny minds!" Mr. Peterson says as we all become quiet. "Today we will be looking at the chemical reaction between borax and glue"

"You mean we're going to make slime?" Joshua replies

"Exactly that, get into pairs then in your pairs, split into four colours: red,blue,purple and green" Mr. Peterson instructs

"Pick a colour" Noah says to me

"Purple" I reply, I liked the colour purple.

We manoeuvre over to the group of kids who want to make purple slime and grab a cup full of 1 table spoon of glue. I hadn't done this before so it seemed quite exciting for me.

"Firstly, we are all going to measure out 1 table spoon of water and add that too the glue." We all get busy measuring out the water and adding it to our cups "then add your colour of choice"

"Mix them both together Tay, I'll be back in a minute" Noah says darting off towards Mr. Peterson

"Once that is done, put one tea spoon of borax into a seperate cup full with 1 table spoon of water" he commands us to do "if you get any powder upon you, wash immediately as it is poisonous. Once you have mixed it together, add in the borax solution and mix with the Popsicle stick"

"Sir, where's Noah gone?" I ask curiously whilst mixing the solution.

"Just to the toilet, he will be back in a minute. I'm sure." He says giving me a reassuring smile.

I continue stirring the mixture whilst keeping my eye on the door waiting for Noah to walk in. There was something definitely off about his behaviour.

10 minutes later Noah walks back in through the door, his face red and his breath fast.

"Steady on there Noah" I say as he takes his seat next to me

"Yeah, uh sorry." He says staring at the time.

"Noah? Noah what's going on?" I say curiously

"Nothing's wrong Taylor,-" Noah starts

"Mr. Austin, since you're so vocal today, maybe you could tell the class the point of the experiment that we did today" Mr. Peterson interrupts.

"You wanted to show us the chemical balance of different substances when mixed together" Noah says proudly

"Nope, but I like your thinking." Mr. Peterson says "anyone else? No... Okay. My main point was to let you guys have some fun with chemistry, it was to show you that not all chemistry is boring and dull"

"We just won't tell the head of science that" Dan(ielle)from football shouts out

"Precisely Danielle!" Mr. Peterson says

"It's Dan!" he shouts back.

"Okay, label your cups and put them at the back of the room" he says and we all follow the instructions. "I want everyone to write down today's experiment and draw a diagram to go with it"

A few moans come from a few boys on the Middle row but everyone seems to get on with working, Mr. Peterson had his way with classes and he made them fun. Noah was on edge all lesson and every time a loud noise happened, he would twitch in his seat. Even when someone knocked on the door he jumped!

"Can I take Noah please?" Mr. Daniels asks politely

"You most certainly may" he says "can I have a quick word?"

They walk out the door and I look at Noah who is packing his stuff up and shifting around the class. He gives me a smile before walking out the door, Dan comes and sits next to me for the remaining 10 minutes.

"Yo yo!" He says enthusiastically

"Alright" I reply

"So are you and Noah like, a thing?" He asks curiously

"Yeah, jealous?" I say

"Noahs fit an all, but I don't swing that way." He informs me

"So you're... Somewhat straight?" I say

"If I transition, yeah." He says quietly

"Are you out in school then?" I ask

"Yeah, with all the teachers and all the students. Some are more reluctant to accept than others." he says giving me a smirk

"Danielle... Danielle... Dan, please move back to your original seating place" Mr. Peterson says as he walks back in the class.

"You've just got to pick the moments where you want people to be" he says walking off.

The bell was about to go and I had finished the write up, I couldn't be bothered to draw pictures, I mean let's face it; I suck at art. I wonder what Mr. Daniels wants with Noah...

**Noahs Point Of View**

"How was it?" Mr. Daniels asks as we walk to my locker

"Science?" I reply confused

"Yeah science, Mr. Peterson said you left 20 minutes in." He says

"I felt sick, panicky and confused. I needed to get out" I reply,

"Fair enough. I've spoken to Adam, he's okay with you going home without any questions being asked but I expect a full day out of you tomorrow" he says as I sling my bag on my back.

"Done deal" I reply "you don't understand how much I am thankful for you for doing this"

"It's fine Noah, just get your head in the right place for tomorrow okay?" Daniels protests

I smile at him as we walk to the office, it was a long quiet walk which gave me time to think about things. Mr. Daniels walks into the office and hands me a pen which I use to sign a bit of paper saying why I am leaving during the school day. I wanted to get out and never come back if truth be told. But what can you do, right?

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