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**Taylors Point Of View**

"You alright now Taylor?" Miss Sharp asks me as I walk back in the room.

"Yeah, thanks" I reply

"Works on the board now" she says smiling at me

"So, heard your boyfriend punched the lights out of Theo Jax" Mellissa, one of the popular kids, says to me

"Apparently" I reply whilst writing down the title

"Have you not seen the damage he has done?" She asks me like I'm dumb,

"I don't really care" I say calmly

"Anything to protect her boyfriend" Katie, another popular, says to Melissa

"At least I've got one," I mumble accidently

"Probably only for sex. That's what he used his previous girlfriend for" She replies in spite

"What?!" I say shocked

"Daisy Church? She was his previous girlfriend, got him into drugs, alcohol and rumour has it, they got rough in bed." She mutters

"Is there a problem in the back girls?" Miss Sharp asks us

"Nothing..." Melissa replies

Noah and Daisy? No way, she wouldn't. No. Just no. Taylor Stop It.

Hey Dork, where the hell are you? What happened? txt me back soon xXx Tay x

I don't understand why, but every science lesson seems to involve balancing equations. I cannot balance equations. I couldn't do it and I didn't want to ask Miss for help because I really just didn't have the motivation to try and balance equations no matter what the question was asking me to do.

"Taylor, you alright there?" Miss asks me, I wasn't really paying much attention to her. "Taylor?"

She comes over, I wasn't sure of how I was feeling, if I'm honest it felt more sad then anything else.

"I'm fine miss, honest." I lie, she wasn't buying it but left me to it anyway.

I continued doodling aimlessly in my book, I could see everyone else around me packing up so I joined in, I was looking forward to lunch, to seeing everyone and maybe even surfacing Noah.


I dart out the classroom and straight to my locker, Charlie shortly followed with Toby by her side. I swear if he wasn't gay they would totally be a couple.

"Hey, has anyone heard from Noah?" I ask hopeful that someone had

"Nah sorry" Toby replies as Charlie gives me the look that lets me know she hadn't. "I'm going out, you pebbles coming?"

"Yeah, totally" I reply, I don't think I've ever been so eager to get out of school at lunch.

We walk towards the main gates and towards the lanes, the preets in front of us looking behind them incase a teacher followed them out. It was a perk of being in year 11, we could just leave at lunch without permission, all we had to do was sign out and say where we were going, other than that they didn't really care.

"Kensie m'darling" Charlie says as we reach our usual spot

"Alright losers" She says hugging Charlie

"How's exclusion?" I ask

"Put it this way, you're hauled up in the school doing chores and school work and I'm at home with my feet up in my pjs watching Jeremy Kyle. " She explains, we just laugh.

I whip out my phone and check the messages, nothing.

Noah seriously, where are you!? If you've been excluded just say!!

This isn't even funny anymore, no one knows where he is, its almost like he is dead.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I spin around and see Ollie stood behind me in what looked like Tobys Jeans, he looked rough and his clothes smelt of sweat,

"Hey you" Ollie says kissing Toby.

"Those are my jeans" Toby protests

"And you're wearing mine, what's the problem?" Ollie replies

"Explains why they're so tight! Why didn't you say anything?" Toby protests

"Hunnie, tight jeans, straight after you got up in the morning, ungh." Ollie says

"Alright boys get a room" Charlie protests.

"Ollie have you heard from Noah?" I ask

"If anything I hope he's dead in a ditch somewhere" he says spitefully and without warning I run forward, Ollie moves back and Charlie grabs me,

I turn around and walk away whilst a single tear runs down my cheek,

"Hey are you-" Daisy starts

"Fuck off." I say to her

"What's your fucking problem?" Daisy shouts angrily

"You! You're my fucking problem!" I shout back "you fucked Noah, you introduced him to drugs and alcohol, it's all your fucking fault!"

"Excuse me for having a fucking life and enjoying it. Not all of us can have amazing life's that led us every-fucking-where" Daisy shouts back

"Don't you have pot to smoke or something?" I shout in her face

"Yes I do!" She says giving me the finger and walking off.

**Charlies Point Of View**

"Daisy? What's wrong?" I ask as she basically runs towards us

"Lighter someone give me a lighter. I just need a fucking lighter!" She shouts before taking Tobys lighter out of his hand and slumping on the floor.

"Rough day?" I cautiously ask

"I've been sent home, isolated, lectured, threatened, shouted at and I can't light this fucking thing" she says almost bursting into tears

"Here. Allow me" Toby says taking the rollie from Daisy and lighting it.

"Thanks, I appreciate it" she says taking it back and taking a long, hard drag. "Jesus Christ on a bike that's good"

"Where's Noah?" Daisy asks

"No one knows" I reply

"I heard what he did to that Theo Kid" she replies "fucking deserves it, scum"

"I just hope Noah's alright" Toby says

"Yeah, me too" I reply

We finish up our deal and make our way back to school, none of us wanted to go back but hey, what could you do?

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