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**Ollies Point Of View**

I hated this school and every part of it. All the kids and the teachers deserved to burn in hell. I was supposed to be in English right now but because I got in a fight with another student in maths, I'm not allowed to leave this small boxed room without supervision. I'm so fed up with everything, I hadn't spoken to Noah since our argument and Daniels pushing me to speak to him.

"Ollie, come with me" Mr. Andrews says opening the door "I want you to apologise"

"Apologise?" I exclaim whilst throwing my hand down, removing the tissue from my nose "he started it, saying that all hostel kids end up on the street, that their parents never wanted them in the first place, that were all thick as shit and were never going to get anywhere-"

"Ollie, you broke his nose and fractured his finger" he states

"I may have fractured his rib but we won't go there" I say

"You're not going to apologise?" He says putting a tissue to my nose

"No I'm not going to fucking apologise" I say batting his hand away from my nose and holding the tissues against it.

"Then Ollie we have no choice but to excluded you" he says

"Are you serious?" I shout "I get verbally shot-fucking-down and I'm the one that gets excluded?"

"You broke his fuc-" Mr. Andrews starts but stops himself and takes a breath "Ollie, his nose is broken and he has a fractured finger. I agree what he said to you wasn't nice and completely ruins the mindset of hostel kids but you can't just throw a punch when someone says something you don't like"

"How long for?" I ask breathing out slowly

"Three days, you'll be in isolation on Thursday" he says as I just lean against the wall. "I'll escort you to your locker then we will go upstairs to the office and call Adam."

I get up and follow him out the room then lead him to my locker, it was mostly empty apart from my bag and jacket. I throw my bag over my shoulder and slam the locker door. I wasn't angry anymore, just numb and tired. I was glad I got to go home because I hadn't the energy to deal with this any longer.

"Sit there" Mr. Andrews says whilst pointing to the sofas, I do as I'm told. He disappears into the office and comes out 10 minutes later with a box of tissues and latex gloves. "Sit up straight, Adams on his way"

He puts on the gloves and then places his thumbs either side of my nose,

"is it broken?" I ask

"Nothing we can't adjust" he says "this might hurt a little"

He snaps my nose structure back into place which hurts like a bitch and makes it bleed even more but he then cleans up my nose so, it's all good.

"Ollie, what happened?" Adam demands to know as he walks in the doors.

"Adam, he's fine. His nose is okay and his knuckles just need some ice. He broke another students nose and fractured their finger, we've excluded him till Thursday" Mr. Andrews says "Ollie, I'll see you Thursday okay?"

"Whatever" I mumble as I walk past them both and out the doors. I didn't want to talk, I didn't want to see anyone. I just wanted to be away for a while.

Adam unlocks the car and I get in, my collar was red from the blood and my nose was starting to let up. I wasn't sure how Adam was reacting to all this, but I knew for sure this wasn't the first school phone call he had today.

**Noahs Point Of View**

I heard Adam leave but he hadn't come back yet. I was glad in a way and I wished that he was going to be gone for a while. My wish wasn't true though, 10 minutes later Adam and Ollie walk through the door and into Adams office, this should be entertaining.

I walk up to Adams door frame and lean against it, he looks up from being sat on the front of his desk.

"Why're you here?" Ollie asks me

"I should be asking you the same question" I say looking him up and down and walking towards him. "What was it, scrap for the closest hottie?"

"Fuck off Noah!" Ollie says "they sent me home and excluded me for not apologising"

"Why did you just apologise?" I ask confused

"Noah, you of all people should understand that when you're angry, you don't see why you're the one who says sorry yo-" Adam starts

"Yeah but, this is Ollie, why didn't he just apologise, if he just said sorry, he would be doing his stupid English essay"

"Why the fuck are you here then Noah? Did someone insult your low intelligence again?" Ollie remarks squaring me up

"D'you want me to break your fucking nose?" I spit at Ollie whilst lunging for him, Adam grabs me and holds me back "just because you're pissed at me for what happened to joel, doesn't mean that you can take this out on everyone you come across"

"Adam, you're just going to let him say that?" Ollie asks

"He has a point but in a not-helping-way, Noah." Adam says

"Of course you're on his side. Everyone is." Ollie says

"Noah get out" Adam asks me

"What why?" I ask defensively

"Just get out" Adam demands.

"Jesus calm down" I say walking out the door

"What's going on in there?" Dan asks

"Ollie got sent home" I say skipping off into my room.

Man, it was good to be me.

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