Man Period

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Charlie runs through the roof door, making a clattering noise as the door was so heavy. She rushes over to Noah and I, she looked panicked.

"Is He okay? You caught him! Why did you do this to him? I can't believe you Noah, You two were supposed to be friends!" Charlie says frantically pacing "is he okay?"

"Charlie, darling. Listen, I don't know what you've been told, I don't know who you've spoken to, but I can assure you that Toby is fine. I didn't beat him up, I had no reason too. We sorted out our little clash okay? So calm the fuck down, some of us have headaches" Noah says calmly, his voice was sexy.

"Oh..." Charlie says "I thought you and him had an argument and you were going to kill him?"

"Nope, I can't remember who he had a fight with" he replies "but when I do, God almighty they're going to get it"

"Look at you, defending you're friend. I'm proud of you babe" I joke whilst giving him a kiss upon the cheek.

"Listen, bells going to go which means I've got to go. I'll catch up with you later." she says walking off.

"Ugh, headaches suck!" Noah complains

"It's okay. Home time soon." I say

"Might go home at lunch" he mumbles

"And leave me?" I say jokingly.

"Well yeah" he jokes back

The bell rings and we get up, Noahs' hand in mine, he was really cute. I didn't fancy going to lesson, I just wanted to hug Noah all day long. We walked the long way around to ICT, it was better than going the short way, and because Noah was there it was even better.

"You're late" Mr. Garcia says as I walk in the door, the room was silent and even Ellie was at the computer working.

"Yeah but by like, 50 seconds" I say back

"Don't care, you're still late." He replies, was he on his man period?

I walk over to the computer next to Ellie, turns out she wasn't working, she was on her phone shopping for a bikini I think, I'm not sure but whatever it is, I liked the colour.

"Hey, what's up with grumpypants?" I say

"No ones entirely sure, Lucas is the one to ask about this stuff. Lucas is his mentee, they talk about everything together." Ellie whispers "lucky Lucas..."

"Which ones Lucas" I ask quietly

"That kid there" Ellie says whilst pointing to a kid sat on the table near his desk on a laptop typing away.

I walk over to him and sit with a laptop in front of me, he doesn't even look up, his earphones are in and he doesn't look too happy. let's face it, Garcia and Lucas could be twins with their facial expressions. I tap him on the arm and he takes out his earphone and pauses youtube, he was listening to Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son, I like him already.

"Hey, you're Lucas right?" I whisper

"Who's asking?" He replies, British accent, great.

"I am. Word is that you know what's up with Garcia" I whisper again.

"No idea, he has been off with me all day today. Its almost like someone gave him a mouthful for something and its hit him hard" He suggests

"Daisy Church, of course you're late." Mr. Garcia sighs "Enlighten me"

"Well, you see sir, they were going to send me home, but then I'm too awesome so they decided against it-" She starts

"Okay, enough. The real reason?" Mr. Garcia says, he really wasn't happy.

"I needed to speak to Luke" She says pointing at me

"Five Minutes. Go." He says turing back around and typing on his laptop.

"Back in a minute" Luke says getting up and walking out the door.

"Taylor, why aren't you doing anything?" Mr. Garcia demands

"I haven't got anything to do Sir" I say, not sure what he would do

"Can you do me a favor?" He asks

"Yeah, sure" I say walking over to his desk

"I've just printed these sheets, can you go to the printer and get them for me?" He explains

"Sure?" I say taking his card

"I'm trusting you" He shouts as I walk out the door

I walk over to the printer and place his card on the sensor, three documents, 14 pages each, thats 42 minutes that I'll never get back.

"You should be in lesson!" Charlie shouts

"As should you Dear" I shout back

"Your paper is printed" She says before walking into the toilets

42 minutes my ass, I guess the printer was working quick. They were childish work sheets, probably for his Year 7 classes, it looked pretty fun though...

"Here" I say handing him the sheets

"Thanks, House point in your favour" He replies taking the sheets from me

I sit back down next to Ellie, who is still shopping online. The atmosphere in the room was really tense and no one had much to do or say, everyone was too frightened to say anything or else Garcia would snap, his bubbly personality was now hidden and he hadn't much else to give for himself. My guess he just wanted it to be Friday so he could get himself down to the pub and drink his bad mood away.

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