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I walk to History, Joel behind me and Theo Jax walking towards me.

Theo Jax! That was his name, he was the one who beat Toby.

"Enjoy yourself did you?" I say as he walks past

"I'm not entirely sure I know what you mean?" He replies, sly bastard

"You and Toby during science" I reply grinding my teeth

"Oh that? I'm sure he enjoyed it more than I."

"Because everyone enjoys getting their eyebrow ripped open don't they?" I say back, fist tensing

"You looking for a fight, Austin?" He asks rolling up his sleeves.

"If you're offering to fight what you're owed Theodore" I say bunching my fists.

Theo makes the first move, his fist flying through the air trying to reach my head, I dodge and jab my hand into his chest winding him. Anger and rage fly through his little body as he runs towards me, I move out the way as he runs into a wall, we've made it to the ict block, kids lined up outside waiting for their teachers to let them in and us, giving them a show.

"Are you actually going to hit me or-" I say but am cut of with a sharp knock to the front of my face, my nose cracks and suddenly feels rather hot.

Theo uses this to his advantage as he knocks me over and flings his hands around my neck, choking me. My hands meet his face as I throw him off and climb ontop of him, powerless and tired he tries to kicks me off but I seem too heavy. I punch his little smug face as he scrambled beneath me. Somehow he manages to flip me around, for now I am the powerless one, his hand meets my face several times. Finally, with the last amount of strength left within my battered body, I manage to flip over one more time and knock the smug smile off his face. The feeling was ecstatic, immense, he deserved this and I was proud to deliver it to him.

Wait - no! - woah - Stop!

"Noah, Noah calm down" Mr. Garcia says picking me up and dragging me to his office

"Fuck off and let me go" I protest

"Not until you're calm and able to tell me what just happened" he says standing in front of the door.

I sit on the floor under the window staring at my hands, shaking and cold with Theo's blood. I was hot with adrenaline and pumping with the rush. Mr. Garcia was a nice guy, I didn't see why he was wasting his time with a loser like me...

A knock on the door causes me to look up from the trance of my hands. It's just some kids asking about an Ethernet cable for Mr. Banks, boring.

"So, Noah. Ready to explain your fight?" He asks nicely

"He beat the shit out if a friend, caused him a hospital visit and stitches, I got my own back" I reply through gritted teeth.

"Was that really a good idea?" He asks sounding genuinely concerned

"I don't fucking know!" I say as a single tear leaves my eye

"Okay, it's okay. Listen, I've got to inform Mr. Daniels of this but I promise I won't let what's-his-name get you back okay?" He says

I sob silently into my arm, tears weren't something I wanted to do right now. But right now, like always, I didn't have a choice.

"What lesson are you supposed to be in?" He asks

"Mr. Chases history lesson" I mumble

"Alrighty" he says typing away on his laptop. "you know, Noah I think you're a good kid but bad things just always seem to happen to you"

"Thanks?" I say through sniffle

Why wasn't this period over yet?

**Charlies Point Of View**

Coming back into hell now, meet you in the toilets by ict - Tobz

He was coming back into school, I thought he wouldn't. I'll be glad to see him though, I want to make sure he is okay and hope that the Theodore Jax kid got what he deserved. the whole school is talking about Noah and Theo's little fight, everyone's saying Noahs the bad guy because theo was just 'defending himself' the little dick.

"Hey!" I say running up to Toby, I treated him more like my baby brother than a friend.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks calmly

"Nice stitches, heard from Noah?" I say

"Nothing" he says innocently "should I?"

"He punched the hell out of that Theo Jax kid" I say trying to contain my excitement

"Shit? No way!" He replies

"Whole schools talking about it. no ones seen Noah at all" I reply

"Toby you're back and you're okay!?" Taylor says running up to us and giving him a hug "heard from Noah?"

"Nothing" we reply, no one knew where he was

"I heard about his fight" she says

"He deserved it" Toby snarls "Jax I mean"

"I agree! No one calls my gay boy a bender but me" I say planting a kiss on his cheek.

"How's you and ollie?" Taylor asks

"We're uh, kinda a couple now" he says playing with his hands

"You're what?" I say jumping for joy "that's so effing cute"

"Charlie shh" he replies

"Does Noah know?" Taylor asks

"Yeah, he was happy for us" he replies

"Lessons!" Mr. Garcia says walking towards us

"You haven't seen Noah Austin have you sir?" Taylor asks

"I haven't. Sorry" he says walking in his room.

I walk back to art, it was boring and everyone was gossiping about Noah and Theo. Mr. Murphy didn't really seem to mind though. He was cool like that.

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