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**Charlies' Point Of View**

The clock was ticking, 9:25am, 5 minutes left until I was to meet with Noah. Taylor was sat working quietly but I wasn't, I was on the desk opposite her tapping my pen and watching the clock, it's hand would tick round slowly making the minutes seem like hours. Four minutes and counting

"Charlie" Taylor whispers "you look like a maniac."

"Well, that's rude" I joke back.

"You should get this down!" Taylor protests

"Sentence structures... Nah." I reply "sir, may I go to the bathroom"

"Yeah sure" he says dismissing me

I walk out the room and walk down the corridor towards the toilets, it wasn't a long walk either so I should technically be back soon. Noah wasn't here, he was useless for time keeping unless it had something to do with Taylor, their relationship was cute and I thought that they wouldn't last, I actually though that Noah's violent side would scare her away, but so far it hasn't happened..

"Noah!" I say as he strolls through the doors, hands in his pockets.

"Charlie, what's this about?" he asks sounding slightly pissed off.

"Don't get pissed at me" I start "How's Ollie?"

"I don't know Charlie" He snaps back "Why are you so caught up with it all?"

"Toby's not here because he doesn't have any energy to get out of bed this morning. Toby has a crush on Ollie. End of " I reply slightly offended.

"That's Tobys problem" He says before walking off

"He's your friend Noah, show some courtesy" I shout after him, he spins around and stares me down

"Ollie isn't my friend, he hasn't been for a few hours now, we had an arguement and Ollie didn't want to have anything more to do with me and so far, thats how its going to stay so next time Charlie Sparks, get the fucking facts before you actually start throwing things around." He snarls at me

"Noah?!" I shout as he walks away

I walk out the doors after him and see him and another boy; one I haven't seen before, having an argument.

"What was that about? You having another lovers tiff?"

Noah spins around to see Joel leaning up against the wall. "Do one"

"Now, thats not a way to speak to your fellow peer" Joel mocks

"Leave me alone" Noah say shoving Joel away from him

"NOAH!" Mr. Daniels shouts after seeing Noah push Joel to the ground. "Noah, get back here"

"Sir, you just going to let him get away with that?" The boy I assume is called Joel shouts.

"Joel get to your next lesson, I'll sort him out" Mr. Daniel states.

"Why couldn't you just leave him alone?" I say without thinking

"Excuse me?" He say

"You're a jerk, its obvious. So why do you feel the need to annoy him?" I state

"Keep out of it" He says down to me

"You're such an idiot" I say squaring up to him.

"Guys, is there a problem?" Mr. Keen asks walking past us. "shouldn't you two be in lesson?"

"I was just going" I say shrugging off Joel

"And you?" He asks Joel

"I'm new" He says "Im not sure where I'm supposed to be"

I walk down the corridor and into English, swinging the door open and taking my seat, Joel pissed me off, Noah pissed me off and I wasn't sure how to react to Toby and Ollie. Things were tough and Mr. Coben was about to ask me a question as I could see him walking over to me and crouching at my desk.

"Charlie?" He says tapping my arm "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not now" I reply

"After Class?" He suggests, I just nod my head.

He walks off and continues the lesson, Taylor looks at me and gives me an uncertain smile, little did she know what was going on. I put my head on the desk and ignore what is going on around me, it was nice for a little while just to ignore what was around me, it was perfect.

Taylor taps me on the arm, everyone's packing up which only means one thing, lessons over. I stand up and then sit on the table, I didn't want to talk to her, I wanted to go home, Monday wasn't going to be fun anymore

"Charlie, a word?" Mr. Coben says whilst dismissing the class.

"I'm sorry" I say

"What happened?" He asks

"I just had an argument over something. All of my friends seem to be on edge." I reply

"I'm assuming you mean Noah?" He replies

"Yeah, I'm just caught up with everything at the moment," I explain.

"if you want to talk or anything." He says implying that I can just go to him whenever I feel shit. Most teachers did it, I was glad that mine was Mr. Coben.

I walk out the room and walk straight into Joel, the tall figure was distinguishable.

"Watch where you're going dick" He says unaware its me

"Piss off and get out my way, Jerk" I say whilst shoving him

"Don't fuc-" He starts, I punch him in the jawline, I wasn't putting up with his shit.

"Charlie no, Charlie calm down, Charlie-" Mr. Coben says restraining me and dragging me into his room

"I swear to fucking god the next time I see him I'm going to punch the shit out of him, I don't care anymore now, fuck it-" I start on a rampage.

"Charlie, calm down for me" He says calmly "Charlie Please"

I sit on a table and stare at him, its not like he had a class next, I guess I'm staying here. To be fair, I'd rather stay here, it was away from everyone and I would be less likely to cause a fight, plus life skills sucked.

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