Bad Day

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**Ollies point of view**

I awake in a strange house, in a strange bed, but not with a strange man. Toby was asleep next to me, his arm resting on my chest as he slept and my arm was underneath his back, numbing with every second. I knew not the time nor the day, I didn't know much really but all I was glad to know was I still had my pyjamas on.

"Toby? Toby are you awake?" I whisper as he rolls over and looks at me

"What time is it?" He mumbles half asleep

"I don't know, where's the clock in here?" I ask

"Use the phone" he says, sleepily pointing to the phone next to him

"8:19am" I say out loud

"Shit shit shit shit" Toby says jumping up and getting up, his purple boxers on show

"What's up babe?" I ask him

"Schools in 15 minutes, I don't know where any of my uniform is" he says panicking "fuck it, I'll wear jeans and smart shoes, can you find me my tie and shirt babe"

"In your room?" I ask curiously

"On the door" he says frantically looking for some smart shoes

I walk upstairs and into his room, on the back of his door was his school tie and a shirt lay neatly on the back of the chair, his room was in an immaculate condition.

"Here" I say throwing his shirt at him

"Thanks" he says

I walk over to him and place my hands on his hips "you look so sexy right now"

"Oh yeah?" He says with a sexy smirk "looks like you're going to have to wait for this sexiness"

He plants a kiss on my lips to which I return the favour of kissing his neck before he pushes me away playfully so he can get ready.

"those jeans look a little tight" I joke

"It's only cause you're around" he says back "how do I look?"

"Like a homeless man with £20" I joke "kidding, if you didn't have school I would do so much-"

"Too much" he says placing his finger on my lips "I'll see you after school babe"

"I miss you already" I shout as he walks out the door, the entire day to myself, what will I do?

**Charlies Point Of View**

"Where the fucks Toby? He said he would be here" I growl at Taylor who stands sheepishly with her hands in her coat pocket

"I don't know. Look can we go inside? I'm freezing my tits off out here" she protests

"Yeah fine" I say as we walk into the building. Form was in 5 minutes and Toby better make it.

"Sparks, a word" Mr. Owen says as I walk past him

"What's up?" I say to him

"We need to talk, about your attentiveness in class" he says seriously

"Yeah when?" I say, not paying much attention to him

"Purple" he says

"Yeah that's coo-" I say but stop in my tracks "purple?"

"I wanted to see if you were paying attention, Charlie what's on your mind?" He asks

"I'll let you know when I understand myself" I say walking off to my form room.

"Any sign of him?" Taylor asks me

"None, what about Noah?" I ask

"He's on his way, says might be late, tell Chase I'll be there soon" she replies

"I'll see you soon" I say walking off to form and texting Toby

Where you at bro? - Charlie.

Maybe he'll reply this way.

**Noahs Point Of View**

I was late, school started 10 minutes ago... I got up late which meant I had to rush, I'm not in the mood for today, if joel starts, if anyone starts I won't hesitate to hit them.

"Noah. You're late" Mr. Peters says as I walk through the school gate

"At least I'm here" I say brushing past him and walking into the school building

I dart down the corridor and into form, Mr. Chase looks at me then carries on with the register. I must of looked a right state, black eye and a few cuts on my face, thanks to Ollie. Toby keeps looking at me, what the fuck was his problem?

"Toby, is there a fucking problem?" I say spitefully

"Noah" Mr. Chase says and I sit facing the front again

"You just look like shit. Was it a scrap for the nearest hottie?" He jokes, he'd spoken to Ollie, the little shit.

"What'd you say?" I say getting off my chair and squaring up to Toby "say it again, I fucking dare you"

"Noah! Sit down!" Mr. Chase says, I ignore him and feel all eyes on me.

I turn around and look at Mr. Chase, he is stood up and looks ready to grab me to restrain. I take the opportunity and leave the room, it was either that or I hit Toby; that I didn't want to do. I walk outside and into the playground, it was cold on my skin and I wanted to go home, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I huddle in my hoodie on the steps trying to contain my anger. It wasn't helping and the rage was bubbling up inside me, I didn't mean to shout and get angry at Toby but sometimes, its all I can do. He wound me up to be fair, anyone could have seen it, but of course it was only little Toby: for he could do no wrong.

"You not coming in?" Mr. Owen asks me

"Yeah, just calming down" I reply

"What happened?" He asks "If you don't mind my prying"

"I just got mad, Toby did my head in" I say gritting my teeth

"Have you ever considered joining the schools rugby team?" He asks

"Really?" I say shocked "Me of all people? I broke some kids hand the other week"

"Might help you get the frustration out, instead of throttling kids" He suggests "Wednesdays at lunchtimes"

"I might just take you up on that offerer" I reply

"C'mon, lets get inside out of the cold" he says offering me a hand up.

I take his hand and we walk into school together. I was unsure why he was being so nice to me, but I might take him up on his offer. I had science first which was followed by ICT, I'm not looking forward to it.

I wasn't going back to form, no way. I'd end up punching Toby. The clock on the wall said 8:50 which meant the bell was about to go, first lesson here I come.

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