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**Taylors Point Of View**

I walk down the lane and arrive at home. I wasn't quite prepared for what father was going to say, he was pretty chill about these types of things.

I walk in the front door and peek into the lounge

"Dad?" I say confused "Dad where are you?"

I walk upstairs and open his bedroom door, beds made and curtains are open, I go back downstairs and stand in the kitchen, nothing. I hunt around my jeans for my phone and ring him


the person you are trying to call is unavailable right now, please try again later

Fuck! Where was he? Could he be at work? I wasn't sure. Think Taylor think! Nothing, I couldn't think where he would be. I didn't know where he was. Was this payback? I didn't know... I need a shower, that much I did know.

**Charlies Point Of View**

We're sat on the sofa in Tobys' house, three empty packets of crumpets and two coffee cups later and all we have done is watch really bad horror movies on the TV. It was cool having a gay best friend, this way he wouldn't try to make a pass at me or anything, it was bliss.

"Does your mum care for you not being at home?" Toby asks, breaking the silence away from 28 Days Later.

"She's probably drunk or down the pub again" I reply, my mum didn't usually care for where I was, she was never around. In a way it was just like my dad. "You trying to get rid of me?"

"No, god no!" Toby replies defensively "Just curious to why you haven't left yet"

"I'll just be bored at home." I reply "You're good company"

"Oh, Fair enough" He replies,


1 New Message - Taylor M

I pick my phone up and stare at her name, she never texted unless it was an emergency.

Dads not home yet, I don't know where he is. Freaking out man! Xx

I look at the message and re read it over again before replying

Listen, calm down and breath. I'm on my way there now.

I put my phone in my pocket, ignoring the reply. I look at Toby who is curled up on the sofa.

"Taylors freaking out, her dad isn't home so I'm going to go down there and see if she's okay." I explain

"Shit, is she okay?" He replies sounding genuinely concerned. "D'you want me to come down too?"

"Nah, it'll be okay. I'll text you when I know more okay?" I say whilst walking out the door,

I run down a few lanes and almost get run over by a few cars before I get to Taylors' house. I always remembered which one it was because it looked the nicest. It was just down the road from the local council estate which was filled mainly with chavs and unemployed bums, I had nothing against these people but they just annoyed me, the way they lived and acted, it was always like the thought they owned the place, they didn't and never will because half the time they can't be bothered to walk to the shop and grab some food to feed their kids. Anyway, enough about the chavs...

I run into her house almost running into the door because it was stiff to open, I see Taylor in a oversized hoodie and joggers, looks like she was having a lazy day. The house was tidy and looked amazing, was taylor one of those girls who cleaned whenever they got anxious? I never knew...

"Anything?" I ask whilst she makes a cup of tea

"Nothing, he won't answer his phone. He didn't leave a note or anything... I'm freaking the hell out Charlie!" She scrambles

"Taylor, breath okay? He is fine" I say trying to reassure her.

She hands me a cup of tea and shows me into the lounge, the blue walls created a cold atmosphere yet it was quite relaxing... Moments pass and suddenly we hear the door open, it filled the silent house making both myself and Taylor Jump out of our skin.

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