In The Lanes

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I dart out the library and wait for Taylor in the canteen, it was starting to get loud and if she didnt hurry up, I was going to leave without her. She approaches me which almost makes me jump.

"Hey, ready?" I say walking towards the doors.

"Yeah lets go" She says running after me

**Tobys Point Of View**

I hadn't moved all morning, I was still curled up in my bed wearing my Captain America pyjamas. the only new thing was my laptop which was perched on my bed with Netflix loaded onto it. I hadn't a plan for today, unless watching countless amounts of tv shows and eating a load of junk was a a plan. I feel my phone buzz on my leg which was a weird sensation,

1 New Message - Sparky

Coming to the lanes buddyboy? xx

Oh charlie and her way with words. I knew exactly where they would be and when, my phone buzzes again on my bed and I pick it up

If you're coming bring ciggies... Luv Chuu Tobz :P

In other words, no one has fags and Charlies shisha is out of battery. I drag my ass off my bed and into a pair of jeans and a jumper, I put on the closest pair of boots I find and then put a lighter and cigaretts in my pocket. I wasn't an addict, I only had the odd few every now and then. Noah and I had a buisness before he went into care, he would steal or buy packets and we would sell them in school, fool proof plan if you ask me. Anyway, I open the door and the sun is bright on my eyes, I didn't like it.

The smokers zone wasn't that far from my house but I hadn't energy to walk there. I do it anyway and reach them, Taylor was there too but Noah wasn't among the crowd.

"You actually came?" Charlie asks me

"Did you not think I would?" I say shocked

"Well you didn't reply" She says

"I'm always there to help a friend in need" I say pulling the packet out of my pocket.

"Toby you're a lifesaver!" She exclaims whilst handing me a pound in exchange for a fag

"How come you're not on shisha?" I ask

"Batterys dead" She says

"Good afternoon Daisy Babe" I say to Daisy who is stood looking at me with loving eyes

"2 for £2?" She asks

"Only for the best of us" I say taking her money and handing her two fags "No Noah?"

"Behind You" Taylor says as I turn around, he was dressed in jeans and a hoodie and looked as rough as me

"You alright?" He asks

"I could ask you the same question" I say to him as he smiles and kisses Taylor on the forehead.

"Kenzie? Where'd you go off to?" Charlie asks Kenzie who is slowly walking up with a rollie in hand "Kenzi what happened, you only smoke when somethings up"

"They sent me home and told me not to come back till thursday" She says "I got in a fight in science remember?"

"Oh yeah. Shit!" Charlie says

"Fight with who?" Daisy asks

"That new Joel kid" She replies, Noah tenses up

"Good on you" He says flexing his fist.

"Oi Oi, here comes the school police force" I say

"You mean the popular kids in year 9-10?" Taylor says

"Yeah those dickheads" Noah says glaring at them

I walk over to him and tap his arm, Taylor walks over to Daisy and I look at Noah

"Psst. What's going on? Sent you home?" I whisper

"Half day. Daniels' idea." He says

"Joel?" I ask and watch his fist tense again

"Joel." He says through gritted teeth

"Daisy, where'd you get some from?" Louis, Year 9 cool kid, asks Daisy

"Brought them" She says

"Got anymore?" He asks

"None" She says as he walks off with his crew

"They're such dickheads" Daisy says whilst taking a drag "What time is it?"

"Uh, 12:45" I reply

"Ugh, got a detention. Thanks Toby, you're a lifesaver" She says giving me a hug

"No problem Daisy, stay out of trouble yeah?" I shout after her as she walks off.

"Noah, you look like shit" Charlie says "Who threw the first punch?"

"Har Har" He says "I'm not sure"

"They sent you home too?" Kensie asks

"Half Day" He says smirking at Kenzi

"Lucky" She says "At least I don't have to go back till thursday"

"What's your mum going to say" I ask

"Probably wont care, make me do errands for her, some shit like that." Kensie says

"Afternoon Students" Mr. James says to us as he walks past "I'm guessing the year 9-10's are round here?"

"Yeah" Noah says

"I'm going to pretend I didn't see you five" He says "So scoot back to school"

"You guys can come round after school if you want." I say to the group

"I'll see you there." Charlie says as we start to make our way home or back to school.

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