Bad Plot Line

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**Noahs Point Of View**

I walk into the school building with taylor attached to my hand. My hand was throbbing and it was cold and wet. I knew that Taylor had seen my hand, I was puzzled to why she hadn't questioned me at all about it. I didn't want her to question it to be honest. I didn't even feel bad about it, the bell rings and I had Mr. Chase next, it wasn't going to be fun, he'd probably been alerted about my outburst. I can't even remember why I hit him, I can't even remember who I hit.

"Noah, wait outside" Mr. Chase says

"Why?" I didn't do anything" I say defensively

"Your knuckles tell a different story" He says sternly

He slams the door almost in my face and I pace, it only winds me up even more. I felt like kicking off again. It all flooded back, what I did. I punched a Y9, a year 9. I wasn't sure about the build up but I was sure that I punched him. I was sure to be excluded for this. It explains why Mr. Chase was pissed off at me. I pace around the corridor but that doesn't do it. I punch a locker which only causes more pain in my knuckles, my head hurt because of the adrenaline and my hand hurt because I had just punched a locker. I walk away from History, I needed some air and time to think. I didn't want to talk to anyone for a while, and that was okay. I make it out un-noticed by anyone and I go straight to the hideout.

"I am okay." I repeat to myself "I am okay"

Time passes by and I feel more and more empty. Mr. Chase couldn't have wanted to speak to me that badly as he hasn't phoned anyone to come and get me. I wasn't immune to this feeling, I had always been able to pass it but now I can't. I put my headphones in and blast whatever when I hit play. I wasn't listening to the music, it just gave me something else to think about.

30 Minutes pass and I'm sure that the lesson had changed. I don't remember hearing the bell at all, I don't even remember what lesson I have. I check the time on my phone which reads 2:30. Lessons had changed about 15 minutes ago. I stand up, unsure what to expect, I felt dizzy, I needed to go home. I glance down at my hand which was covered with dry blood, it had red blotches where I was either cold or bruised.


I hear my name being shouted out by an unknown source.


I hear again, this time followed by a familiar face.

"Taylor?" I say confused "Why aren't you in science?"

"Drug abuse" she says with a smirk "How come you're out here"

"I needed space." I say truthfully "Mr. Chase pissed me off"

"Did you punch him?" She asks

"Nah, just some cocky little year 9" I say tensing my fist. "deserved it though"

"What'd they do?" she asks

"Him and his friend were laughing and joking about being in a hostel and how those types of kids were pathetic kids, that no wonder their parents didnt want them. Then after a heated discussion, there he lays, flat out on the floor with a bloody nose and cut lip" I say

"You bad boy" She says whilst leaning in for a hug.

"I know." I say "You love it"

She laughs and snuggles up to me. It was cold enough so that we were able to warm each other up with body heat. There was something that felt so right whilst doing something so wrong. We were just two kids in love, skipping lessons together, it was like a bad plot line for a chick flick. I could leave in 15 minutes without any questions asked. Taylor could join me, I didn't mind.

**Taylors Point Of View**

"D'you really fancy going to Toby's party" I ask him

"It'll be a laugh" He says

"Will it?" I say

"Yeah!" He replies "Toby drinks like a fish"

"I've never been to a party before" I say

"You'll love it. I'll be there" Noah laughs

"How're we going to get there?" I ask

"He only lives a few minutes away from the hostel, I could walk you." Noah says

"You really like walking me places don't you" I say

"Only you" He says "No-one else."

"I should hope not!" I joke.

We wait for the bell to go, my head resting on Noah's chest, the soothing sound of his heart beating was comforting and it let me know he was human.


The bell goes, schools out for the weekend. I had survived my first week, I had made a few friends and got a boyfriend, what more could a girl want?

We get up and go inside to my locker, I grab my bag and coat whilst Noah looks around for Toby and Charlie, we meet up with them on the way to Noah's locker and chat whilst Noah and Toby get their bags.

"So, first order of buisness." Noah starts "When duth thy party commence?"

"I'll see you at mine around 7pm?" Toby states,

"I'm looking forward to it." I say

"Invite your friends" Toby says

"Charlie, invite the football girls." Noah says

"Noah, invite the hostel boys" Charlie says back

We smile and laugh as we walk up to the school doors then part out separate ways. Noah walks me home and tells me he will see me at 6:30pm. I was quite looking forward to this party. I could find some new friends.

This was going to be great!

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