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**Charlies' Point Of View**

Buses really suck, they're full of people and are one of the most jerky rides ever. It was my main mode of transportation in this city, there was no way to get me anywhere far away without a bus, mum couldn't drive, so I was stuck to buses.

Finally after a ten minute ride we arrive at the closest bus stop by the bowl. Several people, including me, get off. It was a bitter day yet the sun was out; weather was weird. I was a little early, I always have been a little early to everything, never late or on time, always early, it was good for punctuality but sucked when meeting people.

My leg vibrates and I get my phone out of my pocket, a message from Toby

Hey, we're just on our way, like five minutes away. - T xx

I smile at the we, it means he is bringing Ollie. I wonder if they're dating yet...?

**Tobys' Point Of View**

Ollie and I were almost at the bowl, our hands linked together. He was like a scared little child jumping at every small noise, it was rather cute. I hadn't pressed questions on the fight with Adam, nor had I asked him when he was going back, I liked his company too much.

I see the bowl and groups of people gathered outside having a cigarette, I want to spark up but I didn't have any on me and I'm pretty sure Ollie didn't smoke. We walk past all the smokers and I breath in their smoke, it felt so good.

Anyway, we walk into the bowl and get blasted by loud music/people and heat, Charlie is stood by the kids bar, my guess she was flirting with the bartender and I don't blame her, he is hawt.

"Charlie!" I say walking up to her.

"Hey!" She replies "Hello Ollie"

He makes a noise of acknowledgement which makes Charlie give me a confused look, I just shake my head at her.

"Are we waiting on Noah and Taylor?" I ask

"Just Taylor, no-one can get a hold of Noah" Charlie says

"Oh, bummer" I reply whilst Ollie shifts nervously with his hands in his pocket.

"Can I get you any drinks?" The bartender asks

"Coke please" I reply

"Apple Tango and a Orange Lucozade" Charlie says

"And for shaky?" He asks pointing at Ollie

"A strawberry Ribena" I say

He goes off and gets them then Charlie pays. Now's just a waiting game for Taylor to show up.

**Taylors' Point Of View**

I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late!

It's just hit 2:00 and I'm 10 minutes away from the bowl. I was never good at timekeeping at all. Sod it, I'll run the remainder of the way.

"So sorry I'm late" I apologise whilst walking towards them

"We got you a drink" Charlie tells me whilst handing me an apple tango, my favourite!

We walk over to the counter and all hand over money, the bowling shoes were hideous. Our lane is 26 and it's boys Vs girls, Charlie and Me against Ollie and Toby, things were about to get interesting!


Three games down and the girls are winning, I mean of course they are, we're awesome! Ollie wasn't trying hard and there was something obviously on his mind.

"Okay, I'm gagging, has anyone got any fags?" Toby asks

"Here" Ollie says chucking him a pack

"I didn't think you smoked?" I say

"Only when things get too much" Ollie replies

"Mind if I go out for one?" Toby asks

"Mind if I join you?" Ollie replies

"Games almost over guys, let's finish this" Charlie beckons

"Fine" Toby and Ollie say

Tobster: 2,042
Charlz: 3,726
Tay: 4,320
Olz: 1,082

Game set match.

"Can we go for a fag now?" Toby protests

"Sure, let's give our shoes back" Charlie replies

We all swap shoes and put our amazing shoes back on instead of the hideous ones then we go outside and the boys spark up.

"Where are we going now?" Charlie asks

"We could show Taylor the blue mountains?" Toby says

"The Blue Mountains?" I ask confused

"It's magnificent" Ollie replies

"I can't wait!" I reply.

So, this Blue Mountains place sounded somewhat fantasy like... What were they getting me into?

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