Noahs Secret Place

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We walk up loads of stairs and down corridors, I have no idea where I'm going. Noah's hand was clasped around mine making sure I didn't get lost in the crowds. He leads me out of the doors and up some stairs, we get to a little enclosed corner of the school that overlooked the sea. It was beautiful.

"Noah, this is amazing!" I exclaim whilst trying to get my sausage roll out of my pocket.

He smiles and looks at me

"I like it here. I don't know why, it's just calming." He says softly

"Do you come out here a lot?" I ask curiously

He shifts and then looks at me

"Yeah, I do. I like it here" he says

I sit down and eat my sausage roll. Noah sits next to me eating his. It was cold out and I didn't have a jacket but my blazer was warm from my sausage roll. I wasn't sure how I felt about Noah, he was really nice and such a gentleman but would I really have a shot with him?

"Is that your natural hair colour?" Noah asks politely

"Yeah, it is." I reply

"It's really nice. Suits you" he says

Noah looks at me, I smile at him and he smiles at me. I wasn't great at this sort of stuff.

"So what's it like here?" I ask breaking the silence.

"It's like every other school. Stupid rules, stupid teachers and stupid kids" Noah explains

"You're a lover then" I say sarcastically

"Schools not for me" Noah says quietly

"Where you from?" I ask

"Newport, Wales." Noah says proudly

"I've never been to Wales." I say

"Maybe we could go there together!" Noah suggests

"Maybe" I say

"Where are you from? I've been guessing since I've met you but I can't put my finger on it" Noah tells me

"Perth, Australia. Although, my accents not that distinguishable." I say

"I like it." Noah says "so, do you do sports?"

"I used to. Football and Kite Surfing were the main ones" I say "do we have english today?"

"Period six. I have Mr. Cunningham. Who'd you have?" Noah asks

"Uh..." I say whilst getting my timetable out of my blazer "Mr. Coben."

"No way!" Noah exclaims, I dart him a puzzled look "Mr. Coben is the best teacher ever. All the girls think he's hot and the guys love him"

"Really?" I say

"Seriously. His lessons are the best too. He gives sweets and makes english fun." Noah exclaims "what's period five?"

"French... I suck at French." I say to Noah

"French is easy" Noah says

"Is it?" I say puzzled

"Oui." Noah says "who do you have it with?"

"Ms. Beaufort" I say whilst struggling to pronounce her name

"oh" Noah says

"oh what?" I ask

"Nothing. She's a dragon" Noah says "refuses to teach me an all."

"What'd you do?" I ask Noah

" I told her that: Vos qualifications ont moins de valeur qu'un permis de chien." He says proudly

"And that means...?" I ask confused

"Your skills are worth less than a dog license" he says with a smile

"You're fluent in French?" I ask

"Not fluent so much" Noah says "more, I can swear at you and insult you in French so don't test my paitence"

"It's funny" I say

"I'm glad I amuse you" Noah says "are you cold? D'you want to go inside"

"Nah, it's nice out here." I say looking at Noah

"Are you sure?" He says "because we can go inside if you want"

"Noah!" I exclaim "it's fiiiine"

He looks at me and smiles. I didn't believe in love at first sight but Noah was lush. The way his dark hair fell on his face, his fringe hiding half his bright blue eyes. The way his uniform was slightly crooked but it still looked smart and his tie that was uneven. I had always had a thing for rough looking, rebellious boys in shirts and ties but Noah I had just met! Surely I couldn't be falling for him.

"We should get going" Noah says breaking my trance "we don't want you to be getting lost again do we?"

"Shove over Noah" I say with a cheeky smile.

He walks me into the school building and checks for no teachers. There was something about the fact it was out of bounds that made Noah that little bit cuter. Once the corridor was clear we made our way to my locker. It was half empty with just my coat and bag in it but still, I went in my bag and got out my Homework planner as Noah had warned me to be fully equipt for her lesson. We then made our way to Noah's locker which had his bag, blazer and coat hung up and his text books on the shelf. I could make out the outline of a skateboard hidden behind his coat which made me fall for him even more.

"I'm ready, you ready?" Noah asks

"Yeah. Let's get this over with" I say with an encouraging smile.

We walk down the corridor and up the stairs which then takes us past the english classes and into the French corner where some year 12's had found refuge, Noah and I wait around the corner for the bell to ring in a few seconds.


I look at Noah who looks at me and smiles

"I'll be here to walk you to english. Don't worry and keep your head down." Noah says whilst winking at me before walking off.

How bad could this be right? I stand outside the class and wait for the teacher to open the door.

"You know the rules maggots. Come in. Stand behind your OWN chair. And don't make a sound." Ms. Beaufort hissed

"Miss, I do not have a seat." I say nervously

"Who are you?" She spits down at me

"Taylor Maddens Miss" I say shaking with anxiety

"You shall sit at the front where I can keep my eye on you." She shouts

"Yes Miss" I say whilst walking into the class.

Noah was right. This was going to be a car crash.

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