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**Noahs Point Of View**

I have a headache, I feel sick and I'm pretty sure I'm going to pass out. I managed to get to my lesson on time, Mr. Banks didn't notice me come in, I don't usually come into his lessons on time anyway so it wouldn't matter. My hand smelt like Taylors perfume, the smell of roses filling my nostrils. She was perfect-

"Noah?" Earth to Noah?" Mr. Chase says to me, I didn't even notice him come in

"Yeah?" I mumble,

"Can I have a word?" He says as I follow him out the door

"Sure?" I say He leads me to his room which is empty, no one in sight. "I got a call from Adam" He starts "he says its big news"

"How big?" I ask

"Family huge" He says "Also, your attendance is going up, you're in lessons more, which is good. Behaviour isn't as good, but that could be because you sass a lot of your teachers and you punched a deaf kid." Chase explains

"Yeah, well he deserved it" I groan

"You've been in more lessons, this morning we will ignore." He says "But Mr. Coben seems impressed with your english work and Mr. Flanagan is complaining about your attentiveness and attitude... You've got a headache"

"How can you tell?" I ask confused

"You're move your head around a lot more when you have headaches, I've noticed it a lot" He says

"I just want to sleep, I'm so tired." I say

"Well, go to your period 3-4 and at lunch I'll see about you having the afternoon off." He suggests. "back to Mr. Banks' lesson"

I walk back but make a detour to the toilet because I was busting to pee. I walk in and do the buisness and when I walk out, Joel is stood washing his hands, which is odd because he is never this clean.

"Noah! How I've missed you" Joel jokes

I ignore him and walk out the door, I didn't need his mimicking to ruin my day, I mean my head hurt enough without it.

"Hey, have you... You know" Daisy asks me walking up to me

"Daisy you're not in this class?" Mr. Banks protests

"No, I haven't. Ask Reece he might" I mutter

"You look like you need one" she says

"Maybe I do" I say back, I felt like I did.

"Daisy out" Mr. Banks says ushering her out.

**Tobys Point Of View**

I had no idea how long I'd been here but it felt like hours. I had been given paracetamol and a bottle of water, not that it would make much of a difference.

"How you feeling Toby?" Nurse Hardy asks me, a young doctor who thought he looked more important when holding a clipboard. I'm not going to lie, he was cuuuute.

"My eye hurts" I say sarcastically

"That's why I'm here. This is Ben, Ben is going to stitch your eye for you" he says pointing to another nurse before walking off.

"Toby, right?" He asks, I nod my head, "how'd this happen?"

"School fight in a science lab" I reply

"You like science?" He asks

"Not really... I'm more of an English kid"

"I was more drama when I was in school" he replies

"Bet you got called all kind of nicknames for it" I say

"Oh yeah, many" he says stopping before wiping my eye with a dressing.

"Ouch" I whimper

"Yeah, sorry. This might hurt" he says

"You don't say?" I reply sarcastically

Despite the feeling of metal going through my eyebrow, I didn't really feel much else. I had to return in a couple of days to get the stitches taken out and replaced with steri-strips.

"There. Done" he says dabbing my eye

"Can I go back to school now?" I ask

"Yeah, I'll just tell the man who came with you, what's his name?" He asks

"Mr. Daniels, Justyn" I reply

I get up off the bed, things were a little blurry for a while but I soon came round. Mr. Daniels was walking towards me with Nurse Ben, I was going back to school and I was probably going to be put down in isolation for my sake rather than anyone else's. I never really understood the school system.

"How you feeling?" Mr. Daniels asks opening the door of his Audi R8 for me, man he had such a low car.

"Fine yeah, fine." I say sitting down.

"You get to choose, you can either sit in my room for the rest of the day or you can go to lessons and leave 5 minutes early" he explains. See? What did I tell you!

I had Ad Science, lunch, then English and maths, all important but none I wanted to go to.

"Can I go to certain lessons? Like English I need to be in but I really don't want to go to Ad Science or Maths" I suggest

"If that would be easier, yes" he says starting the engine.

Man some of these teachers ruled!

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