The Hangover

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I wake up on the floor, a stinking headache and a pain in my bladder. God I needed to pee. I have no idea of the time, no idea who is still here or what happened. I open my eyes and the room is bright and full of plastic cups, I see the leg of Noah's jeans and loads of silly string lay among the floor. I still really needed to pee but my legs don't want to work...

"Toby?" I hear someone shout "Toby are you awake?"

I make a noise, I'm not sure what it was. "Who is here?"

"Taylor, Me and Charlie" Noah says "Ollie is upstairs and theres a few people passed out in the garden"

"Good night?" I say

"Amazing" Noah replies

Somehow I manage to get to my feet and drag myself to the kitchen, beer bottles and string lay on all the worktops and in the bin. I boil the kettle and make a cup of coffee, best hangover cure ever. I glance over to the clock which reads 12:27pm, it was the afternoon and I couldn't remember anything, it was like something out of The Hangover. I hear shuffling behind me and see Noah stood there, he looked rough, tired and a little sexy.

"Make us one." Noah asks "Have you got a headache?"

"Stinker" I reply whilst pouring him a coffee.

"How much did we drink?" He asks

"Quite a lot apparently" I reply looking around the kitchen

"Ooooh, you are up?"

I spin around to see Charlie stood with a bag of stuff, my guess is hangover food.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask

"Three hours" Charlie says "I went to the shop and got Lucozade"

"Wheres Taylor?" Noah demands,

"Chill, shes upstairs" Charlie says calmly as Noah darts up the stairs

**Noahs Point Of View**

I run up the stairs and scan the rooms for Taylor, I couldn't find her anywhere. I look in Tobys bedroom, I doubt he will mind if I come in here.

"Taylor?" I say as I walk over to the bed and see Taylor asleep "you're adorable"

I walk back downstairs and stand with a cheeky smile on my face, Toby looks directly at me and smiles then sips his coffee whilst gathering a bin bag ready to clean the entire house. It was going to be effort but I was ready.
Two hours and four bottles of Orange lucozade later, the entire house is clean and looks respectable. Ollie joined us a few minutes later, he was in the cupboard under the stairs hiding from everyone. I don't blame him to be honest, it's nice to shut everyone out for a while.

"Noah? You find Taylor?" Charlie asks

"Yeah, she's upstairs asleep in Tobys bed" I say

"Does Toby know?" Charlie whispers

"Haven't had chance to tell him" I say

"Tell him what?" A sleepy Taylor says

"Good afternoon sunshine" Charlie says

"Here" I say, handing Taylor a lucozade

"Thanks" she replies "some night"

"You got shitfaced" Toby says walking past

"Did I?" She replies opening the bottle, the small fizz noise fills the air.

"You were so funny" Ollie butts in

"We should be heading back" I turn to say to Ollie "Adams probably worried"

"Yeah, my dad will be pretty mad if I stay out a little longer" Taylor says "Thanks for the party Toby"

He smiles and we all walk out the doors together, it was a good night.

**Tobys Point Of View**

"You got off with him" Charlie starts, I dart her a confused look "Ollie I mean."

"I don't remember" I say whilst plunging my hand into the bag of crisps

"Didn't think you would" Charlie jokes

"Excuse me" I say, removing myself and running up to the bathroom

Its been two hours and I've finally just been to the toilet. I felt sick but at least the stinging pain in my bladder had gone.

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