The End

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"Well, aren't you two cute" Adam says walking towards us

"I meant to tell you" Noah says

"Its fine, I'm glad you're happy" He says "We all good to go?"

"Its not that time already is it?" Noah pleads

"Afraid so bud" Adam says "Where's Ollie?"

"Him and Toby are running off their coffee" Charlie says walking towards us

"Heeeeeeeeeey Adam" Ollie says running towards us "Ready to go?"

"Definitely" He says as we all walk down to Adams car to go back to the hostel for Noah to get changed.


"How'd I look?" Noah says walking into the hostel canteen wearing slim fit blazer, a white shirt with a purple skinny tie with jeans and Navy Chukka boots from Burtons. He looked pretty sexy

"Sexy" I reply looking at him up and down "You have good taste"

"Actually, this is Adam and Ollie" he replies

"Its half three Noah, are you ready?" Adam shouts from the corridor.

"Lets do it" He says holding out his hand for me to hold

We walk down the corridor together, hand in hand to the car, almost like we were at prom. I promised myself I wasn't going to cry in front of him, but I couldn't contain it much longer.

"Noaaaah, looking dapper" Ollie says as he walks out the door

"You sure you want to do this?" Adam asks

"I'm sure" Noah replies as we get into the car together.

The drive consisted of rock songs blasting out the speakers with Toby and Ollie still hyped up on caffeine, this will be one almighty crash for them. Luckily the train station was a good 10 minutes away so it meant we could spend more time together. Our hands still locked together as we reach the station, Noah's we're trembling.

"Here we are" Adam says parking and getting out

"Here we are" Noah repeats getting out with me still attached,

**Noah's Point Of View**

All six of us walk to the platform, Taylor and I stood hand in hand. Adam carrying my suitcase and duffle bag. 3:50pm. 10 minutes of goodbyes

"I'm going to miss you so fucking much" Taylor says crying into my shoulder as we hug for the final time

"I'll facetime you every single day" I assure her "You stay strong and be good. Get those grades and sass Mr. Flanagan for me"

She nods her head as I pull her close for a final hug. Charlie walks over to me as Taylor walks towards Adam for support

"You take care of Toby for me. Make sure he doesn't get into anymore fights" I tell her "and Taylor, keep her sane"

"You take care of yourself in London man" She says hugging me,

"You too" I reply hugging her back, Toby and Ollie make their way towards me

"I'm going to miss you two the most" I joke

"Make sure to message me, tell me the latest gossip of London. I'll do the same and tell you of the hostel stories" Ollie jokes back

"You little man" I say to toby "Take care of the girls for me okay? And little Joey, Stay strong Toby,"

He hugs me, almost knocking me over, so tightly I struggle for breath. Adam is the last to come over, hauling my luggage with him.

"Noah, Noah Noah" Adam starts "I remember when you first joined us, you were a shy little boy. Now you're flying the nest, joining the big world, a family. Its almost surreal. I want you to stay out of trouble and get the best grades possible alright? Ii want to hear of good things from my brother, okay? Text me when you arrive so I know you're alright"

He hugs me whilst hiding his man tears then hands me my bags and ticket before releasing me onto the train. Luckily my seat is by a window which means I can wave goodbye to the world I once knew.

"Next Stop, London" The tannoy announces, the engine starts and we start moving,

I wave goodbye to Adam, Toby, Ollie, Charlie and Taylor, the tears run down theirs and my face as we depart and as soon as we're out of the station, I plug my earphones in and wait for the trip to pass.

Train Journeys were quite relaxing and watching everything around me made me appreciate the world we lived in a little bit more. Watching an hour of grass, field and more stations made me think of Oxford and how little there was. After an hour had passed we arrived at London station, I grab my bag and suitcase from the chair next to me and step onto the platform. I knew nothing of what Adams brother looked like, nor what his husband looked like... this was awkward.

I remember the card Mr. Daniels gave me that said not to open till London. I'm in London, therefore I shall open it. It's a card that says good luck, signed with a little comment from almost every teacher along with slips of paper with little paragraphs from teachers, Taylor, charlie, Ollie, Daisy and Toby. I place it in my bag and decide to find my future.

I look around and spot a sign that says Noah Austin, so naturally I walk towards it, the man holding it looked quite like Adam and the man next to him was holding a little baby. Assuming these men were now my family I decided to break the ice,

"Alex and Travis?" I ask walking up to them

"Noah?" The man holding the baby asks

"Yeah, that's me" I say holding out my hand

"I'm Travis, this is Alex" The one with the baby says to me shaking my hand

"Let me take your bag" Alex says

"Thanks?" I say

"This is your baby brother, Joshua" Travis says showing me the baby

"Welcome to London Noah" Alex says as we walk towards their car, a Range Rover Sport, very nice.

Hello New Life, I think I'm going to like you.

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