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I walk into my room and sit on the bed, I'm shortly followed by Adam and a tube of Pringles

"Noah? Good news, we've found you a foster family, before you object, the father is my brother and the other father is his boyfriend. They're looking to adopt two kids, I suggested you and they thought it was a good idea. There's only one problem though... It would mean you have to move to London..." Adam says to me, I stare at him with sad eyes whilst tucking into the pringles he has just handed me.

"You mean leave Oxford?" I reply between munches

"Yeah... Listen I understand if you don't want to-" adam starts

"I want to go, but what about everything I've got here? What about my friends? My future?" I ask pacing in my room "do they know about my outbursts? How to handle me when I get like that?"

"Alex, my brother, is a trained special needs teacher and Travis, Travis teaches high school. Look, Noah I know this is going to be hard, but just think about it? You could finally be part of a family!" Adam says reassuringly.

"Can I visit?" I ask as Adam comes over for a hug.

"I hope you're going to!" He says "just think Noah, you'll finally have a dad and a dad with a baby brother."

"What about school?" I ask

"We've transferred you to a school in London which specialises in kids with learning difficulties and with people who find it hard to concentrate in mainstream school" he explains

"I'm going to miss this place" I say to Adam

"I know you are. We're all going to miss you too." he says

"When do I leave?" I ask

"Wednesday afternoon" he says softly

"Oh" I reply "that's tomorrow!"

"Yeah, I know it's short notice but it's not until 4:00 so..." He replies "lets just get today out the way"

"Yeah... Lets" I reply. "Adam, I'm going to stay with a friend tonight, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, go for it. But make sure you go to school tomorrow!" He says walking over to me, I just nod.

Adam gives me a reassuring hug then leaves my room. My old room really. I'm going to have to pack, and leave everything behind, what am I going to do about Taylor? And Toby, Charlie, everyone I've made friends with?! This was big news.

"So, what's the news?" Ollie asks walking into my room

"I'm leaving" I say sadly "Adams found me a foster family... in London"

"Wait what?" He replies "l-l-London?"

"Yeah. Listen take care of Toby, Charlie and Taylor for me man. I'll be down to visit in the summer and stuff." I say whilst offering him my Pringles.

"I'm going to miss you man" he says hugging me

"Listen, I'm staying at Taylors tonight, I'll break it to her then." I say

"Be safe little man" Ollie says patting me on the back then leaving my room.

I kick off my trainers and put on my jeans and vans. Leaving Oxford... the place I grew up... Wow.

I walk back to Taylors and walk in, she's downstairs making popcorn. She was wearing pj shorts and a baggy top, she looked sexy. I walk up behind her and put my hands around her waist, hugging her from behind.

"Heeeeeeey" she says

"Heeeeeeey" I reply quietly "popcorn eh?"

"Only the best" she laughs

We walk back upstairs and watch Game Of Thrones together. I had to pick the right time to tell her, I just didn't know when.

"You alright Babe?" She says, I'm going to have to tell her.

"Adams found me a family" I say, she gets up from leaning her head on my chest

"Really? that's good isn't it?" She says happily

"It's in London" I reply

"London?" She says surprised "when do you go?"

"Tomorrow, 4:00pm" I say playing with her hair

"Then let's make every moment count." She says

She rests her head on my chest and snuggles, just like we do on the roof. I was going to miss her big time, she was perfect.

"I'll always love you" I tell her, her hand playing a symphony on my chest

"I'll always love you too." She replies


"Taylor, I'm ordering pizza what do you guys want?" Taylors dad shouts from the bottom of the stairs

"Ham and Mushroom 12 inch" Taylor shouts down "we're sharing"

"Alright" he says "Any chips?"

"Curly fries" I shout down

"Sure thing Noah" he replies

We continue snuggling up in her bed and when the pizza came, we had a proper date, I was going to miss this.

"Taylor, can I tell you something?" I ask her

"Anything" she says munching on pizza

"When I first met you, I liked you. Then we started hanging out and I knew that you were the person that I wanted to spend my life with" I say, cheesy I know.

"Noah, can I tell you something?" She asks

"Anything" I reply

"When I first bumped into you, you smelt amazing and I knew then that I wanted to date you" she says, cliché alert.

"I love you and I'm going to miss you sooooo much" I say

"Shhhhh, we're not going to talk about you leaving okay?" She says

"Okay" I reply. "Hey, lets watch friends."

We cuddle up in bed together, spooning which was amazing. I never wanted this to end. It was too fun.


Taylor has fallen asleep on my arm, she looks so peaceful and cute. I should try and sleep too but I've just got too many things going on in my mind.


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