Little Talks

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Friday. 6:30am. My alarm rings with today's song of Mama by My Chemical Romance. I don't remember much about last night. I roll over and ignore my alarm which forces my dad to come into my room and shake me until I woke up.

"Taaaaayyyylllooooorrrr....?" He chants softly

"Go away" I mumble in a half asleep state.

"Time for schoooooooool" he chants again

"But I'm warm" I protest

"I'll make pancakes if you get up now" dad bribes

"Deal." I say whilst sitting up and smiling like a little kid who is going to get a packet of sweets. "Dad, how did I get here? the last thing I remember was watching james bond with you" I ask as he walks out my room

"You feel asleep on the sofa, I carried you to bed, just like I used to when you were little" He explains "Now, get up or you're going to be late"

I moan then shuffle out of my bed. I really needed to tidy my room, clothes were strewn over the floor which mean't i had to wat-

"Taylor?" Dad says whilst running into my room

"I'm fine, I fell over my shoe." I say almost in hysterics.

"You need to tidy this room. You can just about see the floor." He demands

He helps me up and leave again. I walk out my room and do the morning routine. I wasn't like other girls, I didnt coat my face in make-up and I didn't wear skirts. I get my uniform on and look at the time, 8:15am. Shit, I was late to meet noah. No Pancakes for me. I grab my bag and run out the door still doing up my tie.

"Good Morning Beautiful" Noah says giving me a kiss on the cheek,

"Noah" I say "Can you help me do my tie."

"Rushed?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm

"Rushed" I repeat.

"We should get going" Noah says "Don't want to be late"

"Yeah!" I exclaim

We get walking to the school building, talking about yesterday and how it was a good day. Noah looks adorable in his hoody today, more adorable than usual. We walk onto the school grounds and one of the teachers comes over to us

"Noah, what's your first lesson?" He asks

"Catering with Mr. Lowall" Noah says "Why'd you ask?"

"Instead of first period, come to my office" the teacher asks

"But why?" Noah asks getting with a little attitude

"I just want to talk to you, thats all" he says

"Whatever" noah replies

We walk away into the school building

"Prick" Noah mumbles

"Who was that?" I ask

"Mr. Daniels" Noah says "I'm not fond of him, he's the deputy head and he deals with the difficult students etc..."

"You're classed as difficult" I ask confused

"Yeah, its complicated" Noah replies

"Noah, can we be honest with each other" I suggest

"I'm a little cocky shit" Noah Jokes

"I doubt that." I say

"You've seen me in maths" He says

"I think its kinda cute" I say

He smiles and we stop at my locker. I put my bag in and my coat, the bell rings and Noah looks at me,

"May I walk you to form?" He asks sincerely

"If you want to." I say "I don't want to make you late"

"Mr. Chase will be fine with it." Noah replies

He walks me to form and hugs me before I walk in, form was boring as hell, I was basically sat here for 15 minutes doing absolutely jackshit apart from answering my name.

"Taylor?" Miss Kingsley says, taking me by surprise

"Yes Miss?" I reply

"Period three, you've got...?" She starts

"Media Studies with Mr. Chase" I fill in

"Mr. Daniels want a quick chat with you." She explains.

"D'you know what its about?" I ask

"No idea Taylor" she says softly as the bell starts to ring. Time for Additional Science with Ms. Sharp, I liked scienece and I knew how to do it. I wonder how Noah's meetings going to go... I hope it doesnt piss him off...

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