Drama Nerds

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**Taylor's Point Of View**

I make my way down to Mr. Daniels room; I wasn't looking forward to seeing him after this morning. His room is dark and he isn't in there, I guess I'll just wait outside.

"Taylor!" I hear 15 minutes later "So sorry I'm late! I just had to deal with a student, please do come in"

"Must be rough" I say "Dealing with dickheads all day"

"May I just remind you of maths?" He says sarcastically

"You may not." I reply

"Taylor, you're probably wondering why I summoned this meeting upon you" He starts "I just wanted to make sure you're fitting in okay and that we are not going to have a repeat of your old school."

"What?" I say defensively

"They sent us the details, of the fight between you and Jodie Kimms? You snapped her wrist structure during lunchtime. We don't usually take lightly to that sort of stuff." he starts "But since your father made a plea to get you enrolled into this school, we have no choice but to take you on"

"Good 'Ole Dad" I joke, he doesn't find it funny.

"Also, I wanted to know how you're finding the school, but more in detail this time. Not just what we said this morning" He says

"Schools shit. It's not for me. I hate it no matter what school I attend. I suck at the lessons, I can't do maths, I'm dyslexic and I struggle being a student" I plead

"Well, we will sure enough change your mind about that" He says

"Good luck, not many people can do that" I say

"You know, this school is top marked." He says but I don't listen, I didn't want to.

"It doesn't stand out to me like that" I remark

"Probably not" He replies calmly "I suspect that this school is a lot different from schools in Australia?"

"Yeah, it's cold and boring" I say "I miss the school at home"

"I can imagine. I used to teach in London and although those schools were rough, I kind of miss it" He explains

"Why'd you move?" I ask curiously

"I dealt with many students who were just extremely violent. I left because I couldn't deal with it anymore" He says ominously.

"Fair play to you" I reply

"What lesson are you in now?" He asks

"Media Studies" I say

"Shall we?" He says whilst getting up and gesturing to the door. I follow him all the way up to my classroom

He knocks on the door and apologises on my behalf. Ellie walks over to me and smiles; she brings me over to where she sits and introduces me to her friend.

"Taylor, this is Megan. She also finds Mr. Garcia Hot!" Ellie says

"And Mr. Kingston by the look of it" I reply

"Well, he is dreamy" Megan says from her trance.

"Hello, I haven't had the chance to introduce myself. I'm Mr. Kingston." He says with a hint of charm "Ellie, could you explain to Taylor the work?"

"Sure thing Mr. Kingston" Ellie replies

I wait until he is out of ear shot before making a comment "What's so good looking about him?"

"Hmm, his ass" Megan says sarcastically "he always smells amazing and he is dreamy"

"He wears way too much hair gel." I criticize "Plus he wears shirts that are way too tight"

"I know" Megan and Ellie say "It's cute and so sexy"

I sit with them as they explain what the deal was for the lesson. They didn't do much work and spent most of it gossiping about Mr. Kingstons figure. Apparently he was a surfer, had no kids and was from Africa... I couldn't see it; he had no accent and seemed too local. I'm not one to judge but I think he might be lying. I wonder how Noah is doing in Drama with Toby, he didn't look happy at break, like he was putting on a fake smile.

**Noah's Point Of View**

I sneak into the drama room without Mr. Jayden noticing. Toby was jumping and prancing around the stage with the others.

"You know, If you don't like the lesson, I can kick you out" Mr. Jayden says, I didn't notice him next to me

"I'm not a drama fanatic. I just wanted to be a part of something. I hate acting, I'll do stage or lights but that's where I draw the line" I reply

"At least join in." He says pointing to the group of drama nerds doing a warm up.

"I'll pass" I object

"Follow me Noah, you can co-direct with me" Mr. Jayden says kindly

I follow him down stage and help him set up the stage for the production we all are practicing for.

"Elliott, if you could end the warm up so we can get started?" Mr. Jayden says

"Sure thing" Elliott replies

They wrap things up and sit on the chairs in the main halls. I sit in the corner on my phone; it wasn't like I had a major roll.

"Okay, today we're going to practice learning the songs from Matilda so we're ready for the production in may" Mr. Jayden says "So Noah, if you'd kindly get off your phone and turn off the lights then come here and set this up for me, I'd be entirely grateful."

I put my phone in my pocket and smile at him then make my way over to the light switch. The room goes black and I sneak my way to the front almost scaring the shit out of Mr. Jayden. It was fun just being an extra. I get it sorted and go to the back of the room to sit on the floor and continue playing games on my phone. Mr. Jayden comes and sits next to me, he was another one of my favourite teachers, he had no problem with my anti-social behaviour and he always made an effort to cheer me up or make my day. Lunch was at least 30 minutes away, but it was funny listening to other people sing their hearts out to prove themselves better than another. Drama was great.

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