Passing Time

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The bell rings and I walk out of science with Dan, I knew no one else. Charlie walks past and grips her hand around my arm, it was painful but there was obviously something on Charlie's mind.

"Where's Noah?" She demands

"No idea, he went somewhere with Mr. Daniels" I reply clueless

"What do we have now?" She asks frantically

"I have Media Studies" I say

"Okay... Are you coming out with me at lunch?" Charlie asks

"Yeah, I've nothing better to do" I say shrugging

"Cool okay. I'll meet you in the canteen" she says running off.

I wonder what that was all about. Anyway I walk to media studies and walk in; we had a different teacher whom I hadn't seen before. Ellie and Megan seemed to stare at him like he was something special but if I'm honest; he looked your average teacher.

"Hey, who's the teacher?" I ask Ellie

"Mr. Chase, we have him on a Monday and Wednesday" she explains

"Oh, I see. Okay then" I reply "you looking forward to last lessons then Ellie?"

"Why? What've we last?" She asks confused

"Mr. Garcia for a double" I explain

"You're kidding!" She says getting happy "that's awesome"

"Ellie, quieten down please" Mr. Chase says across the room.

"Sorry sir" Ellie replies

"Has anyone seen Noah?" Mr. Chase asks

"He was with Mr. Daniels" I say

"And you are?" He asks me looking me up and down disapprovingly

"Taylor Sir. Taylor Maddens" I say

"Well thank you Miss Maddens." He says and starts typing on his laptop.

"He sounds a dick" I say to Ellie and Megan

"Nah, he is alright. He is actually quite caring to most students and he always knows how to cheer you up" Megan says "Plus, he always wears tight shirts that show off his muscles."

"You have so many teacher crushes it's ridiculous" I reply

We start getting on with planning our horror story trailer, it was coursework and fun all mixed in together. Megan and Ellie have planned to go to an abandoned hotel in the lanes by where Ellie lives, I didn't know much about it so they googled and showed me, it was pretty creepy. They told me stories and where there are more abandoned places in Oxford. Once we had gone through this, we spent the remaining time in the lesson rating celebrities out of 10 on their looks. Turns out we have quite good taste in men!

**Charlie's Point Of View**

I didn't exactly have a lesson now which meant I was free to do whatever. I just had to stay out the way of senior management.

"Charlie, get to lesson" Kenzie shouts at me

"Nice one pooface." I say "Where should you be?"

"Drama" She replies "With Dan and Toby"

"But Toby is no show" I but in

"Exactly" she replies

"Where is Dan anyway?" I ask as he emerges from the boys toilets.

"You do know if anyone catches you in there, you'll be the laughing stock of the school" I say

"Well, then the school needs to get gender neutral toilets don't they?" Dan says sarcastically "Where you supposed to be at now?"

"Free period, so library" I say "Care to join me?"

"You know that we can't bunk lessons. We're model students!" Kenzie mocks

"Model students my ass" I reply as we laugh and joke to the library.

"Getting to your lessons girls, Dan?" Mr. James says to us

"Yes Mr. James" I reply

"Thanks Sir" Dan says smiling at him, it must be hard, being transgender and all.

"Kenzie! With me please" Mr. Daniels says walking towards us "As for you two, lessons!"

"We were on our way" I say sarcastically

"Excuse me Charlie?" He says angrily

"I was just saying we are on our way" I say again

"Go!" He snaps at us, I walk away into the library and sit on the floor in the corner where he couldn't see me.

I watch him take Kenzie up to the office and then come back down again without her; I duck behind a table as he walks past so that he doesn't notice Dan and I are sat in here. Lunch was 15 minutes away and I had no idea how to kill 15 minutes. I could read a book?


"Dan what the hell was that?" I exclaim

"Bouncy Ball" He says "There's time to kill"

We spend the next 15 minutes throwing the ball to each other trying to get it in the middle of the tables. I was winning 13-10 by the time the bell rang. Daisy walks past the window at 5 minutes to lunch which makes me jump up and open the library door.

"DAISY!" I shout from the door "Are you-"

"Yeah, you got?" She asks

"I was wondering if you-" I say

"Might 'ave" She says slyly

"See you out in a minute" I say as she walks off.

Smokers have their own type of language. It was hilarious to watch us in a conversation and we were pro when it came to dealing on street corners, or at least behind the gym.


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