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**Noah's Point Of View**

I pace upstairs in the hiding place, It was nice to be alone for a while and I could do a lot more thinking that I would usually in a normal lesson. It was bad when I was thinking, I would usually think myself into a state where I didn't want to be around people and I just wanted to go home. The bell was about to go for break and as much as I loved Taylor, I didn't really want her to see me in this state.


There goes the bell, now time to wait for the door to open and Taylor to walk out... She doesn't, the door doesn't open at all. not even with the wind. She took my advice and wanted to give me some space. I had drama next with a bunch of dickheads that I didn't even like. Normally I would be doing Media Studies with Mr. Kensington but I did Drama so it broke up my week a bit.

I should make an effort so I get up and go into the school building to join my drama lesson, I hear someone shouting my name it sounds like Toby but I wasn't too sure his voice wasn't that distinguishable at all.

"Noah" they shout a final time, I spin round to see the Toby stood with his hands in his pockets

"Toby?" I say surprised

"Taylors nice" he says

"How, when?" I say puzzled

"Ad science" he explains "I sat next to her"

"Toby, what did you say?" I say gripping his shoulders

"Dude chill." He says "I'll see you in science"

Toby scurries off. I stand in the corridor as everyone else goes and hangs around during break. I walk down to Mr. Chases room and knock before opening the door

"Noah?" Mr. Chase says surprised "What can I do you for?"

"I didn't go to maths" I say

"I know. Mr. Daniels came to me and told me that he thinks he pissed you off." Mr. Chase explains "I expected you to be away from this place anyway"

"What's the point? You'd just call Adam and tell him, so there'd be no point." I say defensively

"I wouldn't but the office would" He says "What'd Daniels want anyway?"

"Grades, Attendance, Not Trying Hard Enough, behaviour etc." I say whilst grinding my teeth

"Did you flip at him" He asks curiously

"I wanted to hit his smug little face" I say

"So, drama next?" He says, completely changing the subject.

"Yeah, I might just go home" I say

"What've you got for the rest of the day" He asks

"Double Drama, Something then science" I say

"We need science" chase protests

"Do we?" I ask "is it really a necessity?"

"You know it is Noah" he replies "you've got me period five."

"Oh goodie" I say sarcastically "I might just go home"

"I need you in school Noah" Mr. Chase pleads "please"

"I don't know" I say "I'm just sick to the ground of this place, I want out. Final year or not"

"Noah" he says "you've got mock exams in less than three weeks, you need to be here as much as everyone else or else you're not going to pass"

"Screw passing" I shout "I'm never going to get anywhere anyway"

"Noah, that isn't true!" He exclaims

"You can't say that! It's all I've ever been told" I say "Everyone always tells me that I'm not going to get anywhere. I've started believing them because half the time its true"

"Noah?" Mr. Chase replies but I've walked out, maybe I can find Taylor and get her to give me a hug.

I walk to her locker and find Charlie stood leaning against the lockers. Taylor was sorting out her books, she was so organised... It was adorable

"Noah!" She exclaims

"Not so loud" I say

"I've missed you" she says as I place a warm kiss upon her cheek

"I've missed your hugs" I say

"You missed out in Maths, Flanny got Mr. Daniels on me" Taylor explains

"You're such a badass" I say

"You two are perfect for each other" Charlie butts in

"We ready for our next lessons?" I ask

"Yeah totally, I'm so looking forward to Mr. Kensington's lesson" Taylor says

"Art is amazing" Charlie exclaims

"I hate my lesson, everyone in there is dicks" Toby says sadly

"Cheeky" I say "You're with me"

"I'm joking Noah!" He says

"I have a meeting with Mr. Daniels" Taylor says

"Good Luck" I say

The bell rings and we all go our separate ways, I go to Drama with Toby and Charlie and Taylor go towards art. I was looking forward to our drama lesson, I usually hid in the curtain so no one saw me at all. I liked this idea a lot, toby sometimes joined me and we would talk for hours until the lesson was over, but the school production is coming up soon and we need to be in it to pass the GCSE, I might just be props/lighting I'm not sure what our options are yet.

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