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I walk out of form and get greated by Charlie who is suprisingly happy for a friday morning.

"Soooooooooooo, how's things between you and Noah?" She asks

"They're fine" I say

"Anything new?" She pesters

"Its not like were going out or anything.." I say

"You so arrrre" She protests

"Maybe..." I say

"This is amazing, I've literally shipped you two since I knew that you two knew each other." Charlie says, I shoot her a blank look.

"Shipping?" I ask confused

"You know, Jonlock? Destiel? Phan?" Charlie states "Anything?"

"Nothing" I say sheepishly

"D'you not use Tumblr? Watch TV Programs?" Charlie says getting all enthusiastic and using and gestures

"this is me." I say to charlie whilst pointing to the science rooms. "I'll see you at break"

I walk into science and look at Ms. Sharp with a reassuring smile. She smiles back and I take my seat at the back in the corner. A boy walks in a and looks at me, I try to avoid eye contact and just shift nervously, I had not seen him before. His face was unfamiliar, like nothing i had seen before

"I don't think we've met" He starts "I'm Toby, I'm in Noah's form, He talks an awful lot about you"

"Does he?" I ask with a smile

"Lots... Mind if I sit here?" Toby asks politely

"Go for it, but don't try no funny business" I say

"I've got a boyfriend don't worry, I don't like girls." He says

"You're gay?" I ask surprised "You don't look it."

"Surprise!" He exclaims

"I didn't mean anything by it. I've never had a gay friend before..." I say shyly

"Oh? We're friends now?" He says with a sly smirk

"Shove over Toby" I say

"Are we ready to start the lesson?" Ms. Sharp shouts and we all hush up.

We're learning about chemical reactions and covalent bonds, the best type of science is chemistry, we blow things up and make things explode. Toby didn't look any different from anyone else, I guess that was the thing about gay's, they all looked human until they were kissing another man. I hadn't a problem with it, I didn't see why it wasn't legal for them to get married, they were the best types of partners and they were human. I'm not really paying attention to the lesson, It wasn't hard to remember what a covalent bond was.


I take my phone out my pocket and look at it

1 New Message - Noah x

Told you Daniels was a prick. I won't be in maths, I need to calm down. I'll be in the hiding place if you want me @ break. Love you and Miss you xx

I smile at my phone and then think about Noah, he was mad with whatever Daniels had said to him and it made me thing about what Daniels wanted with me. It might just be to see how I was fitting in, for I had done no wrong.

Stay Strong Noah, I love you cc

I hesitate before sending another text

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