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**Noahs Point Of View**

My Phone keeps buzzing on the floor, Mr. Garcia keeps looking at it, it's Taylor. I can tell you that now without looking at it.

I had no more tears left in me, my body was dry and empty. I hadn't much feelings either, I just wanted this to be over. Everything seemed surreal, almost like I was in a movie, as if something was about to dramatically change.

"Noah, bud. I'm going to get some lunch, you want anything? A drink?" Mr. Garcia asks

He gives me a smile then leaves, he has been so kind to me since it happened. I wanted more teachers like him, caring and nice not patronising and rude. My sitting position had changed widely the entire time I had been on the floor, I started off by sitting crossed legged, then I raised a knee and placed my arm on my knee with my hand resting on my head which was followed by both knees up and my hands on the back of my head. Now I'm just sat here, knees tucked against my chest and my arms keeping them in place, it was comfortable and I felt safe, that was the main thing, feeling safe.

"Here" Mr. Garcia says handing me a bottle of water

"why are you being so nice to me?" I asks genuinely concerned.

"Because you deserve it" he says opening his lunchbox "because unlike other kids, you're actually pretty decent. You know that kid Lucas?"

"I know of him" I reply

"Nice kid he is, he just needs more help in understanding how the world works and how to deal with his emotions instead of flipping out and hurting himself and others around him" he explains in between bites "both of you, nice kids but things keep happening that make you seem less enthusiastic"

The door opens and Mr. Daniels walks in, he was the last person I want to see today.

"Noah, can we talk?" He ask politely, I look at Garcia who moves his head to let me know it's okay.

"I'll catch you later bud" Mr. Garcia says as I walk past

I walk out his room and with Mr. Daniels to his room, it was air conditioned and unlike Mr. Garcias, it didn't stink of coffee.

"Noah, what happened?" He asks

"What do you mean?" I say back "oh come on, don't act like you don't know"

"On the contrary, I know not of the situation." He starts

"But you know of a situation?" I say sitting back in my chair

"I know you got in a fight with Theo Jax, but I know not what for" he exclaims

"Bullshit" I shout "you saw what he did to Toby-"

"So this was revenge?" He asks

"Your point?" I ask angrily

"Noah, I am a very reasonable man, you know so quite yourself. But I will not and do not take kindly to students beating each other senseless in a corridor when we have visitors browsing the school." He states

"Oh so that's what this is about? My making the school look bad? Making it look like something you'd see on a show like Educating Essex or Educating Yorkshire? Is that your point?" I growl

"Noah go up to the office, you will stay there for the remainder of the day and we will bring in Adam so we can have that longing chat" he says

I get up and walk out his door, I wasn't taking his bullshit, he acted so big and pretended he was everything, I couldn't stand him. He was an act, a massive act, all talk and no do. I slam my fist into a locker, the pain gave me something else to focus on.

The corridors were empty for a change which meant there was no one around watching me break down into tiny pieces.

"Noah? Noah c'mon don't do that" Mr. Thomas, the P.E teacher who looked more like a policeman, shouts from the bottom of the corridor

That's their solution for everything, don't do that, that's what they tell you every single time.

"Hey, Noah. Noah Noah Noah" he says whilst taking my hand from in front of me and restraining me without hurting me. I didn't even struggle, I couldn't be bothered to struggle.

"Let's go get your hands cleaned up, yeah?" He says in a patronising yet calm and caring tone.

He leads me to the gym and let's me sit in the spinny chair, I was numb and cold, my hands were staring to hurt and the blood was starting to dry even more, crusting every time I flexed.

"How'd this happen Noah?" He asks getting the first aid kit down from the top of the cupboard.

"I got in a fight" I say sounding tired and bored. "Then I punched a locker because Mr. Daniels pissed me off."

"Who was your fight with?" Mr. Thomas asks genuinely

"Theo someone" I reply whilst hiding the fact my knuckles hurt from the pain.

"Jax? He's been causing a lot of problems these past few days. If I were allowed I would throttle them." He jokes, I think "You've not got long left now have you?"

"No, thank god" I reply as he puts the cold paper towel on my hands, it stings but I try to hide the pain.

"You not like it here?" He asked wiping the blood off my knuckles

"Some of the teachers are decent, some of the teachers are dickheads like most of the students. I guess you could say I dislike the idea of spending 6 and a half hours here wasting my time" I reply through gritted teeth.

"School is a pile of shit, I never liked it" He replies, did he just swear?

"But you're now a teacher?" I ask confused

""Weird how the tables turn" He says as Mr. Taylor walks in

"Noah, who've you killed?" He jokes

"Piss off Josh" I shout back

"OI!" He shouts back at me "Less of that"

"Not now" Mr Thomas says to him

"Look," I say taking a deep breath in "today's been hectic. I'm tired, bored and in pain, I could do without the sarcastic jokes and comments right now."

"Sorry..." Mr. Taylor replies before walking back out and into the gym

"There" Mr. Thomas says pulling back "cleaned and done"

"Thanks" I say with a smile

"Noah, I want you to promise me that today, you're not going to get into anymore fights okay? Promise me that you're going to keep your head down and get your work done?!" Mr. Thomas asks

"Yeah, deal" I reply shaking his hand

"I'll let you enjoy the rest of your lunch. I'll catch up with you tomorrow yeah?" He says as i walk to the door,

I give him a thumbs up then walk out the door, it was cold and bitter. I wanted to go home and sleep today off, maybe try and get things together and make things better.

Who knew life could be so cruel?

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