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**Ollies Point Of View**

"Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie no." Dan shouts pulling me off of Noah "Ollie, let go. OLLIE!"

I look at Noah, a cripple on the floor. Blood was gushing out his nose and his lip looked like someone had slit it open with a knife. I wasn't proud of what I had just done, it was a spur of the moment thing. He provoked me.

"Ollie, what the fuck man?" Dan says to me once we're in his room.

"He provoked me" I state

"Provoked or not Ollie, you smashed his face in!" Dan shouts

"Why is it always me? I'm always the one who get in trouble whenever someone else gets fucking hurt! Why doesn't Noah? No one questions him about anything he does. It's always me, alwa-" I shout

"Ollie, look. I know things are hard at the moment and we have to get through things. I think we need to put you back in therapy Ollie. You're not coping, you're fighting and we're concerned for your safety and everyone elses" He interrupts.

"Therapy didn't do shit!" I shout "All it does is make you feel fucking worse."

"Ollie calm down" Dan asks

"Fuck calming down" I shout at him, I was angry and tired, frustrated and anxious.

"Ollie, I'm serious-" He says as I storm out the door and go to my room.

I walk in and put in some earphone whilst blasting Bring Me To The Horizon - Fuck. I grab the biggest duffle bag I own and put all my clothes in it with some memories from home, I didn't care where I was going. I wanted to be away from here, I wanted to see Toby and feel his hugs. I wanted to feel comfortable and thus I only did with Toby.

"Ollie what're you doing?" Dan asks me leaning on myy door frame, I don't reply "Ollie, slow down. what are you doing?"

I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, it was heavier than I had imagined which shocked me a little. I brush past Dan and walk out the front door, I hadn't seen Adam and I didn't really want to. I was happy going to Tobys and being away from everyone for a while.

**Tobys Point Of View**

I was sat on the sofa when the doorbell rang. I wasn't really expecting anyone for about half an hour. I get up and walk to the door cautiously; you could never be too sure with thee people who lived around here. I was shocked to see Ollie stood at my door when I opened it.

"Ollie?" I say awestrucked

"Hey" He says sheepishly "I was wondering if I could uh, stay a while..?"

"Yeah, Yeah come in come in!" I say ushering him in and taking his bag, "What happened?"

"I beat the shit out of Noah.." He says "I was angry and he pushed me over the edge"

"Tea? Hot Chocolate?" I ask him, best time to offer someone when they're in a predicament is a hot beverage.

"Tea, 2 Sugars" He replies

I walk out into the kitchen and make tea. I was glad to see Ollie, his face was an amazing sight. I wanted this all day.

"Here," I say handing him the Cup

"Thanks Toby" He replies

"Charlie and Taylor are coming over later... We could just snuggle and watch movies" I suggest

"I'd like that." He replies, he was being so adorable.

"The Parties Arived" Charlie shouts walking in my front door. "Oh, Ollie, nice to see you"

"Hey! How are you two?" He asks keeping his cool.

"I'm good. how are you Ollz?" Charlie asks

"I'm good. Toby and I were just wondering what movie we were going to watch?" He says

"What've you got?" She asks me, "I'm in the mood for horror"

"I've The Purge" I say "Or House At The End Of The Street?"

"The Purge is really good" Taylor says "It's pretty cool and theres a few jumpscares."

"You don't strike me as a horror movie kid" Ollie says to Taylor

"Charlie, put it on" I ask "Ollie, come help me with the popcorn, preferences?"

"Salted" Taylor says

"Chocolate" Charlie says

I walk into the kitchen with Ollie and give him two bowls whilst I get the popcorn out the cupboard.

"Preference?" I ask Ollie,

"Salted" He mumbles

"Hey bub, cheer up" I say giving him hug "Stick this in the microwave for 2 minutes"

"Sure thing dude" He says cheerfully

"CHARLIIIIIEEEE!" I shout from the kitchen

"YEAAAH?" She replies walking in the kitchen

"Can you go upstairs and grab the duvets/pillows and blankets" I ask politely

"Sure thing Tobz" She says walking off


Once the popcorn was popped and the chocolate was melted, we all sat in the blanket fort that Taylor had made for us.. All the doors and windows were locked and the lights were off, Ollie was snuggled up with me and Taylor was sat next to Charlie seeing who could get popcorn in their mouth by throwing it up in the air. So far they were both failing which was hilarious to watch, it even made Ollie laugh which cheered me up even more, and not just because he was snuggled up with me, but because it mean't he was actually having some sort of fun. This was going to be a fun evening, no matter what happened.

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