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**Noahs Point Of View**

It was a bold move asking her if I could walk her home. I had spent all day with her, I was waiting for her to say no.


We arrive at her house, it was like every other house in the street. She stopped outside the gate and looked at me,

"I appreciate today Noah." She says

"It's nothing really" I say

"You can come in, if you want." She offers

"Nah, I mean I should be getting home." I say

"Yeah, probably." Taylor says

"May I walk you to school?" I ask boldy again

"How will you get here?" she asks

"I live literally just down the road." I say

"I'd like that" she says with a smile.

I smile and she pulls me in for a hug, her warm body against mine. She smelt great too, I was glad I had found her.

I walk along the pavement to the children's home. Yes I lived in a children's home, it wasn't great but it was somewhere. I just hope Taylor doesn't find out. She might not want to be friends with me anymore. You see, I really like Taylor. Her hair was perfect and she smelled amazing. She was a little shorter than me, she was beautiful. She was perfect.

I make my way upto the hostel doors and open them, I get greeted by a couple of staff members but that was all. Everyone was quiet in here, no one spoke to anyone. I walk to my room with my hands in my pockets and my head down. I didn't want to catch anyone's attention. Once in my room I take off my uniform and put on some jeans and a tshirt not forgetting my shoes, I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Ollie, my best friend in the hostel came to my door.

"Penny for your thoughts Noah?" Ollie chuckles

"More like a pound" I say back

"We're all going to play pool, want to join?" Ollie asks

"Yeah, why not" I say whilst getting up.

"So, how was school?" Ollie asks "you came here smiling, that never happens"

"I met a girl" I say

"Details now." Ollie demands

"She's new, from Perth and she's beautiful, she's got these eyes that just... And her smile is so... Perfect." I say

"Noah's in loooove" Ollie jokes

"Am not!" I say "besides who would like a hostel kid?"

"Don't beat yourself down Noah!" Ollie protests

I promised myself after last time I wouldn't fall in love, not at all. But at that one point she smiled and I haven't looked back.

**Taylors Point Of View**

I watched him walk down the street, he smelled amazing and he gave great hugs. I walk up to my front door, unlock it and walk in, dad wasn't home yet so I had the entire house to myself. I dump my keys in the little bowl by the door and walk up the stairs and into my room. I chuck my bag on my bed and my phone buzzes

You busy? I'm down the park if you want to come meet us - Charlie

Yeah, just let me get changed out of this uniform then I'll be down - Taylor

I rummaged around my room for my jeans and a hoody, it was cold outside and I would just be bored at home. I run down the stairs and put my vans on then grab my keys out the bowl then I make my way out the front door and to the park to meet Charlie.

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