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6:40am - Wednesday

Taylor is not next to me, but she's recently moved. I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to see everyone for the last time today.

"Oh you are awake" she says climbing on me

"Good morning" I say kissing her "you're wet"

"I've just showered" she says "you don't have any school clothes here."

"You got a manly deodorant?" I ask

"Yeah why?" She says

"My shirts in that bag over there along with my tie and hoodie" I say

"You know, you look rather sexy right now" Taylor says

"Is that so?" I say before lifting her up and climbing on top of her.

"Yeah" she breaths as I go in for a kiss

"Today's your last day" she says as her hand runs up and down my leg

"What are you saying" I ask confused

"My dads gone to work, and school doesn't start for another few hours" she implied

"Taylor what are you-" I say before being cut off with a kiss and a rub on my jeans.

**Tobys Point Of View**

I wake up to find that Ollie isn't next to me, instead he is sat in the chair drinking a cup of tea.

"You alright?" I ask him, he had been like this all night "how long have you been awake?"

"Since about three" he replies whilst staring at the window

"What's on your mind babe?" I ask him whilst giving him a kiss.

"Noahs leaving for London" he says

"When?" I ask shocked

"Today at four." He sighs

"When did you find out?" I ask

"Yesterday. Same time as Noah." He replies.

"Awh hun" I say cuddling him "as much as I don't want to, I've got to get ready, I'm going for a shower if you want to join me"

I walk upstairs and into the bathroom; it was cold in here. I run the shower and grab a towel from the cupboard. Once it was warm enough I get in, the hot water running over my body making me shiver. I didn't want to leave the shower.

Hair, body, feet, done.

I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist, the bathroom was full of steam. I waddle into my room like a penguin trying to cheer myself up, Noah leaving... Wow.

I look around my room for any scrap of uniform, shirt, trousers,shoes,tie,jumper but nothing, I guess it was all downstairs. I put on some clean boxers and socks before walking down the stairs and into the lounge where everything was.

"Can you go to the shop today?" I ask Ollie who is now sat at the table drinking another cup of tea

"Sure, what do we need?" He asks more attentive than before

"Milk, tea" I say "crumpets"

"Sure, but-" he says

"I'll leave you some money" I say giving him a kiss "cheap round, where's my cuppa?"

He laughs and pours me a brew, I look for my school trousers and shoes, I wasn't worried about a shirt or anything because I knew where one was. Ollie passes me a cup of tea as we both sit on the chairs around the table.

"So he's really moving away?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Things like this don't come up very often, and when they do you take them" Ollie explains

"Has he told Taylor?" I ask

"Yeah, probably" he says "look can we not talk about this now?"

"Fiiiiiineeeee" I say drinking my tea, "did you talk to Adam?"

"Yeah. He said I could stay until Thursday" he says cheery

"That's awesome" I say "but then you have to go back..."

"I could work an arrangement with you, your dad and Adam. I could stay with you for a week then go to the hostel for a week or something" he says getting excited "it's quite flexible if you're over the age of 15."

"That's awesome" I say

"Tobz, it's quarter to eight and you're sat here in your school trousers, some marvel boxers-" he deduces

"Hey you can't diss, you sleep in Captain America pjs" I butt in

"your school shoes but darling, you've got no shirt on." He says "and what's your point"

He throws a cheeky grin across my way and I get up, I pick my shirt up off the floor and get my tie done. Ollie comes from behind and puts his hands in my pocket playfully and gives me a hug from behind.

"I should really get to school" I say as his mouth kisses my neck

"You should." Ollie replies

"I'm going to go" I say playfully pushing him away then turning around and giving him a kiss. I put a £10 note on the counter and walk out the door

"I miss yoooou" he shouts as I walk out the door.

Check your pocket :) - Boyf ^_^

I do as my phone instructs, I put my hand in my left pocket, nothing. I put my hand in my right pocket and pick out a piece of paper, I unfold it and read the content which is scribble on

I love you. Enjoy your day :)

I pick up my phone and text back

Oh so that's what you were doing in my pockets? There was me thinking you wanted to play...

I finish walking to school and join up with Taylor and Noah on the way. Should I tell him I know?

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