Hiruma Yoichi x F!Reader ~ Secrets

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Requested by Bubblegum_Blaire 


As the bell for lunch rang, I shoved my school books into my bag to head to the roof. The halls were filled with laughter and hushed voices once I walked by a group of girls. With my heart pounding in my ears, I burst through the roof door to see him. Blonde spikey hair, earrings, and pointy ears had their back turned to me; I grinned mischievously before slowly sneaking towards him.

"Hiruma!" I squeaked while jumping onto him. Shrieking, the boy grabbed my shoulders and flipped me over to land on his lap.

"(y/n)," he groaned, letting go of my shoulders to rest his hands on my stomach. Bending down, I melted once his lips met mine. "How was class?"

"Ugh, science seemed to drag on forever!" I threw up my hands in frustration, relaxing them on Hiruma's neck. "You?" Humming, he unwrapped a piece of gum before handing me half.

"Damned Monkey wouldn't shut up. Could have punted him throw the window," Hiruma grumbled. With my hands still around his neck, I pulled him down to me again.

"He isn't here, relax, grumpy!" Smiling a devilish smile, Hiruma flipped me around so I sat on his lap facing him. Smashing our lips together, we moved in sync before being rudely interrupted by the bell.

"Fuck, I'll see you after practice. Be there, damnnit." Going our separate ways, the heavy stone in my stomach began to turn and burn as I headed to the girls' changing room. Hate would be an understatement. I despise the changing room along with gym class because it's bully central. Unlocking the locker, I stripped from my school uniform to the school gym strip all while hearing giggling girls around me.

"Ew. Ugly colour."

"How is she here? Shouldn't she have dropped out?"

"Sad, she has to live with herself."

"Haha! Check out, (y/n)! What a bag!" Their horrid voices threw what they could at me; I rushed out, my ears ringing. My speedy escape came to a halt when my face met something soft. Looking up after I had fallen to my butt, Suzuna smiled down at me with an outstretched hand. Helping me up, her arms enveloped me into a big hug.

"(Y/n)-chan! I missed you this morning, payback!" Suzuna snuggled her face into my chest, relaxing happily. Holding her comfortably, I watched as the other girls arrived on the field.

"Suzuna, (y/n)! You ready?" Mamori called as she ran towards us.

"Huh, ready for what?" Suzuna asked, letting me go.

"Boys and girls are working together!" she exclaimed, determination in her eyes. Laughing, I scratched the back of my head, glancing to the field's gate to see Sena walk in with his teacher and the rest of the class. Once both teachers got our attention, we were told about the activity that was planned. Boys verse girls...great. My stomach did summersaults as my head spun in circles about the idea of working with others who would bully me for even the smallest mistake. From Tug-of-War to tossing a water balloon around in a circle, my mind screamed at me to not fuck up. But life isn't fair and I dropped the water balloon, causing us to lose our lead and lost the game.

"You bitch! You cost us the game!" screeched one girl.

"Idiot can't even catch a balloon!" teased another; giggling from the girls and laughter from the guys, I can't take this anymore.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" a familiar voice growled. Spinning around, my face landed in the broad chest of Himura Yoichi, his arms held me tightly against him. "Say anything and I'll rip your tongues out!" The field went silent as Hiruma's threat surprised everyone; teachers included.

"Thank you," I whispered, burying myself further into his embrace as my tears raced down my cheeks. With one swift motion, he picked me up and headed back to the gym.

"Get changed, we're going home," he grumbled, kissing my temple before going to get dressed. He stood by the doorway in waiting once I left the room; his hand snatched mine, squeezing it reassuringly as we left the school to head home. My phone rang and vibrated in my sweater pocket, flipping it open to see our friends texting me with questions. "Nope." Himura grabbed my phone to turn it off and keep it in his pocket instead.

"Thank you, Hiruma." I rested my head on his bicep as we walked.

"Love you, (y/n)."  

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