Loki x Reader ~ Blue

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I was left with the God of Mischief while the rest of the Avengers, including Peter who was new too, went on a mission! Apparently, my set of skills weren't needed; I call bullshit! Thor had asked me to watch over his brother so, I had to say yes as it wasn't in my nature to say no. Curse my kindness!! I currently sat in my room with my headphones on blasting (favourite song) as I flipped through Pinterest.

"THOR! WHERE ARE YOU?" screamed Loki as he walked about, I don't think he knew about the mission and Thor's plan. I paused my music, removed my headphones, and rushed out to shut up the god.

"Thor isn't here. He left with the others on a mission and left me in charge of you and Tony left me in charge of HQ." Loki's face twisted in disgust.

"I cannot believe he doesn't trust me and got me a puny babysitter!" Loki raged, disappearing to the library I assumed. I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge to grab a beer, opening it up and chugging it in annoyance. Suddenly, my phone buzzed n my pocket with Tony's caller ID; I answered with anticipation of another beat down of my character but what I got was not that.

"Can you search up something for me, (y/n)?" I hummed and rushed to the lab, using one of the computers to search up the term. "What does it say?"

"What the fuck is a Frost Giant? And what mission are you all on? I hear nothing that sounds like a battle but more like hotel elevator music."

"We just got to our headquarters as the mission doesn't start till tomorrow. Thor just reviled something and I need more info. Now, read what it says on your screen...by the way, you're on speaker."

"Hi, (y/n)!" I heard everyone say. I took a deep breath and relayed the words on the webpage.

"The Jotuun are a race of large humanoid giants that live on Jotunheim, one of the Nine Realms. The term "Frost Giant" was bestowed by the Asgardians. Frost Giants typically have blue-grey skin, bright red eyes, and usually, have narrow ridges on their face or in a unique pattern across their body. Some may also have narrow, bone-like crests on their head."

"Thank you, see you when we get back!" Tony hung up and I was left by myself once again. Curiosity started to move my eyes back to the computer screen to continue reading about these Giants. As I flipped through the pages, the sun disappeared and the yawning started after I finished the very last paragraph on Asgard. Looking at my phone, I turned off the power in the lab before heading to the main area of the building; I sat on one of the couches and checked through my phone for anything at this point.

"AAAAHHHH!" I jumped as Loki screamed from the library; I threw down my phone and rushed to the screaming god. I stood in the doorway, gawking at the blue person crouched in one of the corners.

"Holy shit," I whispered, catching Loki of guard and spooking him. He turned to me and screamed at me to leave him alone. I had never really liked him much but seeing him like this made me realize he was as broken as me so, I did the unthinkable. I knelt in front of him and wrapped my arms around the blue broken man, hoping to help in some way. He struggled in my arms before relaxing and turning back to his natural pale tone. We stayed there for a good long while before he broke away and left for his room.

"Okay, good talk?" I mumbled to myself, heading off to my own. After that little moment, Loki and I started to talk more; he trusts me now so, we became great friends.

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