Grunkle Ford x Reader ~ Your Highness

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I lived in the strange town of Gravity Falls where the odd Pines family lived. The younger twins, Dipper and Mabel, would come to town every summer since their first trip here to live with the elder twins. I had applied for a job at the Mystery Shack the month after Weirdmageddon, securing a spot as the cashier alongside Wendy. The Stan twins had left to travel, leaving Soos in charge of the Shack until they returned.

"Morning, (y/n)!" chirped Mabel as she walked through the store in a very eccentric sweater.

"Hello, Mabel. Heading out?" She nodded, waving as she left through the front door. There weren't many customers this week so I mainly read from the book I brought. Flipping through the pages, a head of red hair peeked over the book to smile at me.

"Hey, nerd, get out and let me get paid," Wendy joked, slapping my back.

"You sure? I'm fine just sitting here," I assured, rubbing my shoulder. Wendy shook her head before picking me up off the chair and moving me further into the house to throw me on to the sofa in the living room. Sighing, I got comfy and continued my book with my legs swinging over the arm of the chair.

"Hey, (y/n). Thought you were working?" Dipper asked as he rushed down the stairs.

"I was but Wendy-" Dipper nodded, walking over and hovering above me.

"Come downstairs with me! Grunkle Ford and I are playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons." The smile he gave me was too cute that I couldn't say no, plus hearing that Ford would be there, resulted in me following the guy to Ford's room. Boards and dice littered the floor where the grown man-child sat with an excited look in his brown eyes. "Grunkle Ford! (Y/n) is going to join us!"

"O-oh! Come, sit," Ford stuttered, his cheeks turning a soft pink. I sat in between them, resting my back against the couch. After setting myself up with a character, Ford started his campaign. "The powerful wizard, Probabilitor, has cursed the king of a neighbouring kingdom. He's linked the king's soul to the Abacus and the tie can only be severed through the Portal of Pythagoras Theorem. Only Princess Unattainabelle knows where the portal's key is held. What do you do?" This journey took a good three hours of laughs, math, and smiles; Dipper happened to fall asleep after we saved the king with the power of two seagulls and graph paper.

"Well, that was fun!" I smiled, watching Ford clean up the game pieces. He nodded, placing the box of our things under a desk to then sit across from me. Dipper had curled up in my lap, breathing softly as he slept. "I think this guy needs to head to bed."

"I'll take him," Ford stated, lifting him and heading out the bedroom door. Standing, I stretched my legs and back before laying on the couch with a huff. Ford returned with two cups of tea, handing me one and sitting next to me. "I'm glad you decided to join us, it was quite fun." His mumbling surprised me; a faint flush grew on my cheeks as his hand brushed against mine on the seat.

"Why, Princess, I thought you were unattainable! It seems I've proved that wrong," I teased, resting my head on his shoulder.

"She isn't but I am." Ford kissed my head, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we leaned back and enjoyed each other's company.

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