Eggsy Unwin x Reader ~ Relax, let's dance

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"(Y/n)! I'm home!" I heard my boyfriend, Eggsy, call inside the apartment we both lived in. Paws scratched at the bedroom door as JB was trying to enter the room I sat in the corner of; I pulled my knees to my chest as my world became twisted and my breathing was even more erratic. JB soon started barking at the closed door as footsteps came from behind him and Eggsy opened the door. "Holy shit, love."

"Hi," I whispered with tears rolling down my cheeks. Sinking down to the floor, Eggsy held me in his arms tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder. His right hand drew circles on my back as we rock back and forward a bit, his left hand held my head close as I cried heavily.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, moving a bit so we could see each other. I shook my head, watching as he brushed away my tears with a worried smile. "When you're ready, tell me." Eggsy kissed my forehead and held me once again.

"Sorry," I mumbled, snuggling further into his chest as JB squished his way in between us.

"Why say sorry? It's not your fault, babe." JB licked my nose as I moved away from Eggsy to look at him again. "Hey, why don't we dance? That usually helps you calm down," Eggsy suggested. JB wagged his tail happily as Eggsy helped me off the floor to head to the living room; looking through his phone, Eggsy plugged his phone into the speaker and out came some very soothing jazz.

"Oh, Eggsy," I hummed as he rested his arm on my hips while I placed mine on his shoulders. We swayed side to side as the music encased us calmly, our temples pressed together as the dark spot in my chest filled with a warm yellow light. Eggsy twirled me around a few times before we started to sidestep and sway around the apartment together as JB followed behind us. As the song came to an end, Eggsy pulled me down onto the couch and held me close. He kissed my cheek before slowly drifting to sleep with me not far behind with JB curling up on my back. 

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