Bat Brothers x F!Reader ~ Stoic Angel

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Requested by @fluffyfoxella 


I walked through the Wayne Manor with files in hand as I headed to Bruce's office. My watch flashed 10:00 pm as I took a quick glance down at it. Knocking on the door, I saw a faint glow coming from under the door and I heard a muffled voice.

"Good evening, I have a few more files about the latest crimes-" I paused once noticing that the room was quite crowded. All four brothers were gathered around Bruce's desk, staring back at me with surprised eyes.

"(y/n), what are you still doing here? It's midnight already," worried Dick, rushing to me and crossing his arms. Tim retrieved the files from my hands, kissing my cheek as he did so; the other two ran over as well, fuming slightly as Tim walked back to the desk.

"I had work to do, I'm not getting paid to sit around," I stated bluntly. Sighing, Dick and Jason spun me around and sent me out of the room.

"Stop working," Jason ordered.

"We can take care of your stuff during this time of day. You go rest," Dick reassured.

"Listen to them, (y/n). We all worry for you, take the nights off," Bruce hummed, smiling as the boys did the same. I blankly nodded and left down the hall to the kitchen, bumping into Alfred once I made it through the door.

"Good evening, miss. How may I help?" he bowed, smiling.

"If a cup of chamomile tea isn't too much to ask then, please." I sighed, rolling my shoulders back I pain. "The boys want me to stop working for the night. It's their work I'm doing," I grumbled stoically.

"They care, miss, even Master Wayne. Sleep is important to a healthy mind and body; it also helps work go by faster." Alfred chuckled as he poured the hot water into a light blue mug. The scent of chamomile floated through the air tickling my nose as Alfred handed me the warm mug.

"Thank you, Al." I kissed his cheek and left for my room, falling asleep after an hour.

3rd POV

After (y/n) had left, the boys all relaxed their shoulders unknowingly. Taking seats on the chairs and couch spread out in the office. Bruce laughed at their infatuation with her, he had known her for a while and knew the effect of her presence all too well.

"Why doesn't she smile?" Damien whined, laying across Tim's lap on the couch. The others agreed, all four of them had never once seen her show any emotion at all, let alone smile.

"That's a long story. I've seen her smile, only once though. She looked like an angel," Bruce reminisced. Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damien all perked up with wild smiles on their faces.

"Let's see who can get her to smile first," smirked Jason, cocky as ever. Tim and Dick nodded while Damien was already planning his attack. Bruce, knowing it was futile to stop them, leaned back in his chair and sighed. The war had begun!



The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone blasting its alarm. A simple text from Bruce, which contained my new schedule, appeared on the screen after I turned off the alarm. With one sharp inhale, I left the warmth of my bed to get dressed into my professional attire for the day; with my hair out of my face, I left my room to head to the kitchen for some breakfast.

"Good morning, miss (y/n). Would you like your favourite for breakfast?" greeted Alfred, smiling warmly. Tim and Damien sat at the table, eating the food themselves with sleep still lingering in their eyes.

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