Luffy x F!Reader ~ Cheater

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When we first arrived at the island, I never thought my life would shatter into millions of pieces. My captain boyfriend, Luffy, was super excited to see land as we had been sailing for days. Nami, Robin, and I calmly relaxed in the sun while the boys were becoming irritable.

"I see land!" called Usopp from the crow's nest. This had lifted the mood and once we docked, Nami listed off jobs the rest of us had on the island. Nami had paired herself with Luffy, which was odd, to begin with, leaving Robin and me to check out a few shops together.

"Something wrong, (y/n)-chan?" asked Robin after we left the third clothing store to enter a bookshop across the road. I sighed, grasping my stomach as it twisted and turned.

"I don't know, Robin. Luffy has been distant so, maybe I'm overthinking it." I had left Robin to head back to the Sunny to find a cure for my stomach issues and that's when I saw them. Luffy holding Nami in his arms in an alleyway had caught my eye. The kiss they shared made them look perfect for each other; Nami swung her head around when she caught sight of me.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry!" she gasped, trying to push away from Luffy. I couldn't see his eyes, his stupid straw hat covered him. Her apologizes and excuses were lost as I dug my nails into my palms.

"I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you, Straw Hat." My voice came out colder than I had hoped but I hope it got my point across as I sped to the docks with only one thing on my mind. I had to get away. Away from the hurt.

"Oi! Did you- Hey!" Zoro shouted as I passed him on the deck. I shut the bedroom door and began packing my bags; voices from the deck reached my ears but none were understandable. I looked back at the door as I heard it slowly creak open, Zoro stood in the door frame. "The fuck happened?" I shook my head, blinking through the tears that were streaming down my cheeks. He walked closer to me, passing me the clothes still left in the dresser. "Guess you have a reason, can't stop you." I darted into his chest, hugging him tightly before closing the packed bags and leaving him to stand in the room alone.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" The others called after me as I crossed the lawn, walked down the stairs, and stopped at the end of the dock. Luffy was a few feet behind me, his hat in his hands.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, moving closer. I smacked his hand away, knocking his hat to the very edge of the wood walkway. I never saw that hat or his crew in person again.

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