Geralt x M!Reader ~ Strange Man

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The forest ground tickled and scratched the bottoms of my feet as I travelled the world by myself, enjoying the company of wildlife instead of people. My oak staff tapped alongside as I walked, helping me steady myself through the rough terrain. The sound of swords and shouting broke through the calm bird noises, causing the little creature on my shoulder to jump and hid in my (f/c) hair. With a grumble, I swiftly ran through the trees to come upon a very large creature fighting a very large yet small human. The man's figure ducked and moved through the light coming from the gaps in the trees above.

"He's fighting a Leshen all by himself, he'll die," I sighed, approaching the beast from behind. The little one hiding in my hair whine and growled as we neared the Leshy, its eyes were still trained on the man.

"GET BACK!" the man shouted, his deep grizzly voice making the deer skull head of the beast growl back at him. Closing my eyes for a few seconds, they went from (e/c) to a glowing yellow. As the Leshen was distracted, I set fire to the base of its wooden legs and watched as it screamed in pain while turning into a pile of ashes.

"You're welcome," I taunted as he looked down at the ashes. "Hello? Oh, SHIT!" The man faceplanted into the pile, a plume of dirt surrounded him before I could catch him. "Fuck."

~~~Time Skip~~~

After creating a quick house, I placed the guy in a bed and bandaged him up before he could get infected. My little friend scratched at the door as the sound of hooves travelled through the air. I grabbed the reins, calming the horse down as his master lay sleeping in a strange house.

"Shh. It's alright... Roach. Not a very nice name," I mumbled quietly. Roach nudged my head as I walked him to a tree to tie him to. "Your friend is sleeping, he'll be alright." Roach made a noise I took as he understood, letting him munch on the grass around him. "Right, let's make tea. Coming Esso?" I called to my little friend. His attention was still on Roach so, I let them bond but kept the window open just in case.

"Fuck." I heard the man groan and curse once he woke up. Esso scurried along the floor to go sit in his lap, checking him over to make sure he was safe for me to see. "The fuck?" he mumbled once seeing Esso.

 "The fuck?" he mumbled once seeing Esso

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"He's an Inari Fox. Esso, be nice," I hummed, leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossing my chest. "Why were you fighting a Leshen?"

"I was paid." As he spoke, I noticed the white hair and amber eyes.

"A Wither?" I breathed. His only response was a low hum while having a staring contest with Esso. "Strange for a Witcher to be venturing out here. Do you have a name at least?" Another hum was the answer as Esso curled up in his lap with a happy sound. I waved my hand slightly, watching as a cup of tea sailed towards the Witcher with ease. "I'm (y/n). Your horse is fine, by the way."

"Thank you," he grumbled as I sat across from him. As I reach towards the wounds, the Witcher growls away from me while petting Esso. Pointing to the bloody bandages, he sits closer for me to check the scratches on his chest and replace the wrappings. "You do this often? Take in strays?"

"Didn't think you would be one for small talk. But no, not people anyway." I watched Esso snuggle into the man's hand, earning a small smile from him while I checked the deep mark on his chest. "Esso seems to really like you," I hummed, poking the fox's nose playfully.

"Hmm." With his torso wrapped, I let the Witcher be. "Geralt. I'm Geralt." I stood in the doorway of the front door, my heart skipping a beat as I turned around to look at him.

"Nice to meet you, Geralt." I smiled before heading outside to look after Roach. 

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